ZigKart – Single Vendor or Multi Vendor Products Marketplace

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Zigkart is single / multivendor products marketplace. it's suitable for digital,physical and external products ecommerce system.
Script Developed with PHP Laravel & Mysql and Bootstrap4 Support. You can add products, promo code, brand, categories, multiple images of products,
additional information,return policy and all this makes your product looks more attractive on the website.
There are many powerful features for amazon s3 storage, user roles, flash deals, blog, newsletter, payment gateways…ect
we provide to help of details documentation it will take few minutes to quick installation.

Our Support:



Free Installation:


Marketplace Script

Payment Gateways:

payment gateways

User Features:

  • Responsive Design using Bootstrap
  • Built with Laravel 9.52.7
  • Unlimited Products
  • Unlimited Attribute types
  • Unlimited Attribute Values
  • Unlimited Coupon Code
  • Best Sellers
  • Social Login for facebook & google plus
  • Google recaptcha
  • New Releases
  • Top Deals
  • Featured Products
  • Start Sellings
  • Order Tracking
  • Product Based Shipping
  • Local & Worldwide Shipping Cost
  • Paypal Standard / Express checkout, Stripe, 2checkout, Authorize.net, Paystack, Localbank, Cash on delivery, Razorpay, Coinpayments, Flutterwave, Mollie Integrated
  • Website maintenance mode
  • Dynamic Pages
  • Newsletter Subscription
  • Contact Us
  • SEO Friendly URL
  • Google Analytics
  • Blog
  • Post With Comment System
  • Social Share Product & Post
  • Affiliate referral system
  • Customer and Vendor communicate private message with email sending
  • Multi-Language
  • Product Import / Export Using Excel Sheet
  • Without Login Add to Cart
  • RTL supported
  • Wishlist
  • Cart
  • Checkout
  • Shop
  • Ajax search filter & autocomplete
  • Google adsense
  • Cookies popup
  • Tinymce editor
  • Order details PDF invoice download
  • Customer / Vendor Profile Page
  • Product Rating & Reviews
  • Youtube & Product Quick View Popup
  • Category & Subcategory With Slide Menu
  • Related Products
  • New / Used Products Option
  • Dynamic Product Brand
  • Login / Register / Forget Password
  • Withdrawal Request
  • My Order Details
  • My Purchase Details
  • My Wallet
  • Refund Request
  • Product SKU,Availablity,Estimate Time
  • Blog & Products Tags
  • Return Policy
  • Email Notification & Verification
  • and more…

Admin Features:

  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • Dashboard
  • Dynamically change logo,favicon,site title,meta keyword,meta description…ect
  • Manage homepage layout sections
  • Manage categories
  • Tax (VAT) Management
  • Manage subcategories
  • Block Section
  • User Role Management
  • Products List
  • Attribute List
  • Coupon List
  • Sale Chart
  • External product ON / OFF option
  • New Registration Email verification ON / OFF option
  • Google recaptcha ON / OFF option
  • Country
  • Brands
  • Clear Cache
  • Google adsense
  • Custom css widget
  • Order Details
  • Refund Request
  • Rating & Reviews
  • Withdrawal Request
  • Product Approval On / Off
  • Single Vendor / Multi Vendor Option
  • Dynamic Pages
  • Contact Information
  • Blog Management
  • Slideshow
  • Newsletter Subscription
  • General Settings
  • Color Settings
  • Email Settings
  • Media Settings
  • Currency Settings
  • Payment Settings
  • Social Settings
  • Preferred Settings
  • and more…


  • PHP >= 8.0
  • MySQL >= 8.0
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension


Frontend : https://demo.upworks.monster/zigkart

Admin : https://demo.upworks.monster/zigkart/login

Username : admin

Password : admin

Customer : https://demo.upworks.monster/zigkart/login

Username : customer

Password : 123456

Vendor : https://demo.upworks.monster/zigkart/login

Username : vendor

Password : 123456

Online Documentation:


Laravel Version:

laravel 9.52.7

Change Log:

Version 13.9
Add    - Mollie payment gateway integrated
Update - Laravel 9.52.7 version updated
Update - Google recaptcha V3 updated
Fix    - Cart responsive issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated 
Version 13.8
Add    - Flutterwave payment gateway integrated
Update - Laravel 8.83.27 version updated
Update - Website speed optimization updated 
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 13.7
Add    - Coinpayments payment gateway integrated
Update - Laravel 8.83.23 version updated
Update - Withdrawal request delete option updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 13.6
Add    - Clear cache option added
Update - Laravel 8.83 latest version updated
Fix    - Language issue fixed
Fix    - add / edit product page category issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 13.5
Update - New currency conversion updated
Update - Laravel 8.77 latest version updated
Fix    - Homepage featured product issue fixed
Fix    - Admin customer & vendor button issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 13.4
Update - Laravel 8.51 latest version updated
Fix    - Dynamic pages slug updated
Update - 404 page updated
Update - checkout page previous save data are updated
Add    - VAT tax calculate country wise / postcode wise
Update - Admin order delete option updated
Update - Product SKU field autogenerate / manual option updated
Version 13.3
Update - Laravel 8.41 latest version updated
Fix    - Admin edit product status issue fixed
Update - 2checkout payment updated
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 13.2
Update - Without login Add to cart updated
Update - Laravel 8.31 latest version updated
Fix    - Best seller page issue fixed
Fix    - Referral earnings issue fixed
Update - Paypal Standard / Express checkout options
Update - Auto stock updated
Update - Admin order details page updated
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 13.1
Update - Laravel 8.24 latest version updated
Update - Coupon feature update on admin panel
Update - Paypal express checkout Api updated
Add    - Razorpay payment gateway added
Add    - Open exchange rates currency conversion integrated
Fix    - Cart page design issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 13.0
Add    - Order details PDF invoice download
Update - Admin commission "0" value accept 
Fix    - Stripe float value fixed
Update - Laravel 8.19 latest version updated
Fix    - Cart page mobile responsive fixed
Fix    - Vendor attribute type and attribute value display issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 12.0
Add    - Custom css widget dynamically update your css code
Fix    - Responsive slider and product carousel image issue fixed
Fix    - Attribute issue on other language
Update - Shop search & filter updated
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 11.0
Update - Laravel 8.13 latest version updated
Fix    - Admin products add / edit issue fixed
Update - Featured products updated
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 10.0
Update - Contact us page phone number & rechaptcha field updated
Fix    - Subadmin photo issue fixed
Add    - Product import / export using excel sheet updated
Update - Translation admin panel updated
Fix    - Some css design issue fixed  
Version 9.0
Update - Tinymce editor update on frontend add / edit product page.
Fix    - Product details page quantity field issue fixed
Fix    - Admin panel admin profile photo issue fixed
Add    - Ads section added. Google adsense dynamically update on shop,blog and pages
Fix    - Some css design issue fixed  
Version 8.0
Update - Tinymce editor updated
Update - Single Vendor / Multi Vendor option updated
Add    - Cash on delivery payment method added
Fix    - Some css design issue fixed  
Version 7.0
Update - Laravel latest version upgrade
Fix    - Frontend page issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 6.0
Fix    - Multi-language Translation issue fixed
Fix    - quick view popup fix on arabic language
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 5.0
Fix    - checkout page payment option issue fixed
Fix    - Subcategory display issue fixed
Add    - Blog section youtube video post added
Add    - Customer and Vendor communicate private message with email sending added.
Update - Homepage top and bottom banner ON / OFF option updated
Update - Some css design updated  
Version 4.0
Update - New Registration Email verification ON / OFF updated
Add    - 2checkout payment gateway integrated
Add    - Authorize.net payment gateway integrated 
Add    - Paystack payment gateway integrated
Add    - Localbank payment gateway integrated
Update - Website maintenance mode updated
Fix    - Some css issue fixed
Version 3.0
Add    - Cookies popup added
Fix    - Homepage responsive issue fixed
Add    - Google analytics added
Fix    - Add product / edit product "product type" field translation fixed
Update - Checkout page company name & other notes field mandatory removed
Update - External product on / off option updated
Fix    - Newsletter email html tag display issue fixed
Version 2.0
Add    - Affiliate referral system added
Fix    - Footer javascript error issue fixed
Add    - Multilanguage added. In-build english,spanish and arabic languages added
Update - My Profile page affiliate url updated
Update - My Wallet page affiliate earnings updated
Update - RTL Supported 
Remove - Google Translate
Fix    - Some css issue fixed
Version 1.0 - Initial Release

















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