Zaitors – Appointment System, Video/Audio Calling, E-prescription. Hospital CMS Laravel.

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Zaitors – Appointment System, Video/Audio Calling, E-prescription. Hospital CMS Laravel.



Admin Credential

Doctor Credential

Staff Credential

Patient Credential

Zaitors - Appointment System, Video/Audio Calling, E-prescription. Hospital CMS Laravel. - 1

Front Pages

Doctor Pages:

Staff Pages:

Patient Pages:

Admin Pages:

Test Accounts For Payment


  • Email: buyertanvir
  • Password: 12345678
  • Stripe:

  • Card Name: Anything You Want
  • Card Number: 4242424242424242
  • Expiry Month: 12
  • Expiry Year: 2024
  • CVV: 123
  • Key Features

    • Complete website for hospital/clinic
    • Easy installation process
    • Fully responsive and dynamic dashboard
    • Easy to Signup & Signin.
    • Forgot password
    • Easy process to appointment of a doctor
    • Easy payment process
    • Easy to integrate payment gateway
    • Good looking & user friendly front-end
    • Easy to manage site contents
    • Slot-schedule wise doctor's appointment
    • Managing Users, Doctors & Patients
    • Managing SEO
    • Managing subscriptions
    • Send email to all subscribers
    • Managing SMTP
    • Managing social media, comments, contact etc.
    • Managing pages dynamically
    • Managing menus dynamically


    • Laravel 8+
    • PHP 7.4.0+
    • MySQL 5.7+
    • Intl PHP Extension
    • OpenSSL PHP Extension
    • PDO PHP Extension
    • Mbstring PHP Extension
    • Tokenizer PHP Extension
    • BCMAth PHP Extension
    • XML PHP Extension
    • Ctype PHP Extension
    • JSON PHP Extension
    • cURL PHP Extension
    • Fileinfo PHP Extension
    • GD PHP Extension
    • ZIP PHP Extension

    PHP INI Requirement:

    • allow_url_fopen



    Appointment Issue fix.


    Multi Language Issues Fixed.


    Appointment Doctor issue fix
    Appointment Date issue fix
    Appointment Slot issue fix


    Earning issue fix
    Earning details add
    Offline appointment issue fix
    Dashboard issue fix
    Appointment create issue fix
    Role permission user login issue fix


    Role permission add
    Sslcommerz payment gateway add
    Bank payment gateway add
    Bank payment appointment approve by admin add
    Payment issue fix
    Menu issue fix
    Page issue fix
    Prescription print and download issue fix
    Language update issue fix


    Bug Fix - Changing title dynamically.
    Spelling Fix - Payment Type to Appointment Type in make appointment page.


    Multi language.
    RTL support.
    Online/Offline Appointment.
    Zoom meeting integration for online appointment.
    Spot payment option for offline appointment.
    Staff add/management by doctor.
    Staff Panel add.
    Financial Report for the doctor.
    Statistical Data Show in the doctor panel.
    Dynamically change logo, favicon, preloader etc.
    Email notification after appointment approval
    Email notification when appointment cancel
    Dynamic footer content
    Earnings module integrated
    Transfer earning to doctor From Admin Panel
    Cookies bug issue fixed

    After uploading the zaitors to your server, you may need to configure some permissions. Firstly set all your directories permission to 755 and files to 644. Directories within the storage, vendor, routes, resources and the bootstrap/cache directories should be writable by your web server. Set permission to 777 for storage, vendor, routes, resources and the bootstrap/cache directories and 777/666 for .env. So set these directories set the write permissions to the web server.


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