Texter – Temporary Message, Youtube Video / Audio Downloads, Jpg / Png To Webp Convertor System

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Texter is a temporary message, youtube video / audio downloads, jpg / png TO webp convertor system. Every Message set password / without password to submitted on visitors. Message are generated unique URL so visitors send it to whoever you want.
Destroyed duration set on every messages. Script Developed with PHP Laravel & Mysql. There are many powerful features for dynamic pages, contact us, google ads, google recaptcha, google translate, youtube video/audio download and image/photo sharing, jpg / png To webp convertor…ect
we provide to help of details documentation it will take few minutes to quick installation.

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  • Built with Laravel 9.52.4
  • Responsive Design using Bootstrap
  • Font Awesome
  • Google Ads
  • Google Translate
  • Dynamic Pages
  • Contact Us
  • Social Share
  • SEO Friendly URL
  • SEO Meta Keyword, SEO Meta Description
  • Temporary message
  • Message Password Options
  • Message Destroyed Duration
  • Message Generate Url
  • Message Copy
  • Clear Cache
  • Google Recaptcha V3
  • Youtube media download
  • Image/Photo Sharing
  • Drag and Drop Image/Photo Upload
  • Jpg / Png TO Webp Convertor
  • Watermark option
  • Cookies
  • Recent Messages
  • No Need Login (any visitors send message)
  • Forget Password
  • Login
  • Total Messages
  • Today Messages
  • Yesterday Messages
  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • IP Address (who's submitted on messages)
  • Email Notification
  • Dynamic color option
  • Google ads to get earning amounts
  • and more…


  • PHP >= 8.0
  • MySQL >= 8.0
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension


Frontend : https://demo.demoworks.in/texter

Admin : https://demo.demoworks.in/texter/login

Username : admin

Password : admin

Online Documentation:


Laravel Version:

Version 9.52.4

Change Log:

Version 4.6
Add    - Google Recaptcha v3 added
Update - Laravel 9.52.4 version updated
Update - Clear cache updated
Update - Some css updated
Version 4.5
Add    - Jpg / Png TO Webp Convertor
Update - Laravel 8.83.27 version updated
Fix    - Image share responsive issue fixed
Update - Some css updated
Version 4.4
Update - Clear Cache option updated
Update - Laravel 8.83 version updated
Update - Some css updated
Version 4.3
Update - Laravel 8.46 latest version upgrade
Add    - Image/Photo sharing drop and drop
Add    - Watermark option added using image/photo sharing
Update - Color settings admin option updated
Update - Media settings admin option updated
Update - Some css updated
Version 4.2
Update - Laravel 8.37 latest version upgrade
Fix    - Cookie password issue fixed
Update - Some css updated
Version 4.1
Add    - Youtube media download from youtube url
Update - Laravel 8.34 latest version upgrade
Update - Some css design update
Version 4.0
Update - Laravel 8.13 latest version upgrade
Add    - Social share using temporary message
Fix    - Some css issue fixed
Version 3.0
Update - Tinymce editor updated
Update - Laravel latest version upgrade
Fix    - Some css issue fixed
Version 2.0
Update - Laravel upgrade
Fix    - Google Adsense fixed
Update - Some css issue fixed
Version 1.0 - Initial Release




Font Awesome





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