Staff Approvals Management For Perfex CRM

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NOTE: This module is an extension for Perfex CRM and requires Perfex CRM to be installed.


Approvify is the ultimate solution to efficiently manage staff approvals within Perfex CRM. It offers a comprehensive set of features designed to create, track, and manage different types of approvals, ensuring seamless communication and accountability among staff members.

Key Features:

  • Create Various Approval Types: With Approvify, you can effortlessly create different types of approvals such as Maternal Requests, Equipment Requests, and more. Customize approval workflows to suit your organization's needs.
  • Automatic Notifications: When an approval request is created, all staff members assigned to the specific approval type will receive notifications and emails, keeping everyone informed and accountable.
  • Approve or Reject Requests: Staff members responsible for a particular approval type can easily review and approve or reject requests directly within Perfex CRM, ensuring a streamlined decision-making process.
  • Event Handling with Notifications: All approval-related events are seamlessly handled by Perfex's built-in notification system. When a request is approved, rejected, or canceled, the involved parties are instantly notified via Perfex notifications and email.
  • Kanban Board for Request Tracking: Approvify provides a visual Kanban board where staff members can track the status of their approval requests. Monitor whether requests are submitted, approved, rejected, or canceled at a glance.

Why Choose Approvify?

  • Effortless Integration: Approvify is a module designed exclusively for Perfex CRM, ensuring seamless integration with your existing CRM workflow.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Experience a hassle-free approval management process through Approvify's intuitive user interface, allowing users of all technical levels to utilize its features effectively.
  • Enhanced Accountability: Ensure that staff members are accountable for their approval requests and decisions with automatic notifications and clear tracking.
  • Efficiency and Transparency: Streamline your approval workflows, save time, and maintain transparency by centralizing the approval process within Perfex CRM.

Experience the Next Level of Staff Approvals Management with Approvify!


Request Types Management

Staff Approvals Management For Perfex CRM - 1

Create Request Type

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Manage Create Request For Staff

Staff Approvals Management For Perfex CRM - 3

Let's Request For Promotion

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Kanban To Manage All Staff Requests

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Request View For Staff

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Request Review Department – View All Staff Requests

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Approveve Staff Request For Promotion

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Activity Of Request Now Is Updated After Approving

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Notifications & Emails Received For This Process

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URLEmailPassword[email protected]lenzcreative123321
  1. Login to Perfex CRM
  2. Goto Module > Installed Addons
  3. Select
  4. Click “install” button to complete the installation.
  5. Done & Enjoy.

Version 1.0.0 04.10.2023

Initial version

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Work illustrations by Storyset


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