Smart School QR Code Attendance
QR Code Attendance addon adds automated Student/Staff attendance using QR/Barcode module in Smart School https://1.envato.market/smart_school . Using this module Student/Staff can
submit their attendance by just scanning their ID Card (ID Card can be print with QR/Barcode) through mobile/tablet/laptop or any other webcam device and attendance will be submit in real time in your Smart School. Fully automated or unattended attendance submission of whole school student/staff. Absent student attendance will also mark Absent automatically and Absent Notification will be send through cron job settings. See various source reports for attendance submission.
Limited Time Discount Offer: Purchase Smart School QR Code Attendance addon at 50% discount, offer will end soon!
Smart School Version 7.0.0 with QR Code Attendance demo is available at https://demo.smart-school.in/ssqra/site/login
How It Works –
- Print Student/Staff ID Card with QR or Barcode from Smart School
- Login to admin panel and open QR Code Attendance page through any Android/iOS/Windows mobile/tablet/laptop or pc with webcam for student/staff ID Card scanning
- At the time of entering in school student/staff will place their ID Card QR / Barcode for scanning in front of QR Code Attendance page
- After validating student/staff their attendance will be submit immediately in Smart School
- If Auto Attendance is enabled then student/staff attendance will be submit automatically continuous without any staff to click on submit attendance
- After school gate close Smart School attendance module will automatically submit absent students attendance and send absent notification
- School admin can see reports for QR/Barcode based attendance based on devices or ip addresses
Key Features –
- Revolutionary QR/Barcode attendance is cost effective solution for attendance submission and reporting
- Use QR or Barcode anyone of your choice
- Smart School generates ID Card with QR or Barcode for student and staff
- Use any camera device like Android/iOS/Windows mobile/tablet/laptop or pc with webcam
- Auto Attendance feature for unattended continuous attendance submission
- Automatically submit absent students attendance and send absent notification
- No biometric hardware or third party app required
- Student or Staff auto detection
- Auto detection for duplicate scanning and attendance submission
- Full Screen mode for seamless display of scanning mode in your mobile/tablet/laptop or pc device
- Student or Staff auto detection
- Front or Back camera selection
Requirements –
- Smart School version 7.0.0 pre installed on your server
- Download Smart School from here: https://1.envato.market/smart_school