Signup Php Portal
Signup Php Portal is written in Php and using MySQL for the database. This Script is fairly simple and using Social networking website for login. There are two types of Users can use this Portal. USER, CUSTOMER. User can manage whole websites and act as Admin of the website. Whereas Customer can access a website as we do. Please read out for full
Features.Features are describe here
Features are describe here
Portal have cool features like User , Customer , Setting, Email Template, Custom Registration Fields.
Login and Register from front end and can access website.
can access Admin.
Admin also a User who can manage whole website.
Email Template
Email Template is used as email Template for email sending to customer. You can assign the template to Specific Events: Forgot Password Email, New Customer Registration.
How to access Email Template. reffer to below Email Template.
Custom Fields
Custome fileds are another option to add new fileds to Registation page. You need to gather new information from customer during Registration than you can do with Custom Fields. New custom filed you created and assigned to Register page than those fields will show to Register page and information entered by customer will save. Later
Sources and Credits
- Helvetica
- Font Awesome http://fontawesome.com
Note: images are only preview purpose. Final Downloadable file will not contain any images