Secure-PHP-Login & Registration System
Admin Demo
Username : admin Pass: 123456
Secure PHP login and Registration system is built with Bootstrap and PHP.
1. The login and registration module is highly secure with password encryption that is impossible to decipher the password stored in the database.
2. No additional coding work is needed since the complete backend PHP scripts are already available in this package.
3.Inbuilt Email activation module sends activation email to the users using unique activation code for each user.
4.Forms are live validated using Jquery Validation plugin combined with AJAX.
5. Backend admin interface provides additional features like searching a user,adding a new user manually and user stats information.
6.Validate the form without page refresh.
7.New reset password functionality that enables users to set a new password if they forget their original password.
8.Login with Twitter,Facebook and Google credentials
9.Complete setup documentation
10. One and only login administration system that uses password hashing and most current password protection methods.
11. This script does not use deprecated php or mysql code. All the scripts are frequently updated.
Minimalist Theme suitable for Touch Devices like iPad,Android Tablets and websites
Features V1.0
1.Simple and Fast design implementing twitter Bootstrap
2.Form validation using jquery Validation plugin
3.Validate form data without page refresh
4.User registration using activation key sent via Email
5.Highly secure password storage using blowfish encryption
6.Admin Screen with list of registered
Features V1.1 – 20-July-2013
1.Bug fixes
2.Added new feature to resend activation email.
3.Fixed ajax response issue and migrated to JSON.
Features V1.2 – 18-Aug-2013
1.Couple of bug fixes in password resend.
2.Styling issue in activation process is fixed.
3.New feature: Password reset functionality, Added new activation status ‘2' for reset in progress.
4.Combined error message in db.php for easy editing.
5.Logo text can be changed in db.php- single place for all pages.
Features V2.1 – 1-Sep-2013
1. Login with Twitter and Google+ credentials
2.Store details for the twitter and google users.
Features V2.2 – 2-Oct-2013
1. Adding username to session variable
Features V3.0 – 6-oct-2013
1. Sign-in using Facebook Account
2.Revamped Admin screen along with new features
3.Search user and user count screens added
Features V3.1 – 20-July-2014
1. Add new user from Admin screen
2.Styles updated to Bootstrap 3.0
3. Ajax improvements.
Features V3.2 – 13- June 2015
1. Migrated to MySQLi extension
2. Updated Bootstrap version to 3.3
3. Updated Jquery to 1.11
4. Fixed several critical bugs on send mail function.
5. Styling issues on admin interface is now fixed.
6. Fixed minor issues in email content alignment.
Features V4 – 3- March 2016
1. Updated the bcrypt logic to fix password issue
2. Blank Facebook username issue- fixed
3. New-Change password page for users logged in
4. Revamped administration panel using SB-Admin2
Features V4.2 – 27- August 2017
1. Important security fixes
2. Updated facebook library and fixed redirect loops.
Features V4.3 – 25- December 2017
1. Added new features – User roles. Admin can now create and assign roles,search users based on role.
2. Font awesome library update.
3. Restructuring code in admin portal.
Features V4.4 – August 8 2018
1. Fixed database scripts during initial install.
2. Bug fixes for database errors.
Features V4.5 – Dec 25 2019
1. Bug fixes – form fields now prevents spaces & special characters
2. Facebook sdk update
Features V4.6 – Aug 01 2021
1. Jquery update – version 3.6.0
2. Jquery validator update – version 1.19.3
3. Members page design update
Whats Coming up Next
Facebook and google integration fixes
All upcoming updates are absolutely free!!