Robust – Premium Bootstrap 4 Admin, Dashboard & WebApp Kit Template

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Robust - Premium Bootstrap 4 Admin, Dashboard & WebApp Kit Template - 1

Super flexible, powerful, clean, responsive & modern Premium Bootstrap 4 Admin, Dashboard & WebApp Kit Template with unlimited possibilities. It includes 7 pre-built templates with organized folder structure, clean & commented code, 2500+ pages, 1000+ components, 500+ charts, 100+ advance cards (widgets), 100+ plugins – extensions and many more. Robust admin provides internationalization, RTL support, searchable navigation, unique menu layouts, advance cards and incredible support.

Robust Premium Bootstrap 4 Admin, Dashboard & WebApp Kit Template can be used for any type of web applications: Project Management, eCommerce backends, CRM, Analytics, Fitness or any custom admin panels. It comes with 5 niche dashboards. Robust admin template is powered with HTML 5, SASS, GRUNT. Twitter Bootstrap 4 which looks great on Desktops, Tablets, and Mobile Devices. Robust Premium Bootstrap 4 Admin, Dashboard & WebApp Kit Template comes with starter kit which will help developers to get started quickly.

7 Pre-Built Bootstrap Admin Templates

  1. Default Template: Classic admin template with dark sidebar, fixed semi dark navbar, light footer and searchable navigation
  2. Compact Menu: Modern admin template with compact light sidebar, dark navbar with center branding and dark footer
  3. Content Menu: Minimal admin template with light sidebar, light navbar which auto hides, light footer and searchable navigation
  4. Overlay Menu: Full width admin template with dark sidebar, light navbar with center branding, transparent footer and searchable navigation
  5. Multi-level Menu: Unique admin template with dark multi-level menu sidebar, built-in search, fixed navbar and dark footer
  6. Horizontal Menu: Centered layout template with light navigation menu, light navbar with center branding and light footer
  7. Horizontal Top Icon Menu: Full width admin template with light navigation menu, dark navbar, dropdowns working on hover and dark footer

Unique Features

  • 5 Niche Dashboards
  • 7 Different Menu Types
  • Multiple Navbar Options
  • Multiple Menu Options
  • Header – Footer Customizations
  • 24 Color Schemes
  • Starter Kit for developers
  • 7 Built-in web applications
  • Bootstrap Card UI
  • Advance Card UI
  • Native Font Stack
  • Useful helper classes
  • 2000+ UI components & Options
  • 8 Icon sets
  • Basic & Advance Form Inputs
  • 8 Form Layouts
  • Form Wizard & Repeater
  • Customized Bootstrap Tables
  • DataTables With Extended API
  • Handson & JSGrid
  • Code Editors
  • Date & Time Pickers
  • jQuery UI Elements
  • Drag & Drop Cards
  • File Uploaders
  • Event Calendars
  • 10 Chart Libraries
  • Google Maps, 3 Vector Maps
  • Organized Folder Structure
  • Clean & Commented Code
  • Fully Responsive Layouts
  • SASS Support
  • Cross Browser Compatibility
  • Well Documented

Full List

  • 5 Niche Dashboards
  • 7 Different Menu Types
  • 1 column, 2-columns, fixed, static, boxed, light, dark and semi lark layouts
  • Light, dark, brand center, semi dark, fixed top, hide on scroll navbars
  • Fixed, static, light, dark, accordion, collapsible, flipped, native scroll, bordered navigations
  • Horizontal Mega Menu
  • Fixed, flipped, submenu on click / hover, light , dark horizontal navigations
  • 10 page headers options
  • Light, dark, transparent, fixed footers
  • 24 color palettes
  • Starter Kit for developers
  • Pages

    • Project summary, project tasks, project bugs
    • Scrumboard
    • Invoice summary, invoice template, invoice list
    • Timelines center, left, right, horizontal
    • Users profile, cards, list
    • Gallery grid, masonry gallery, hover effects
    • Authentication (login, register, unlock user, recover password)
    • Error (400, 401, 403, 404, 500), Error pages with navbars
    • Coming soon flat, with bg image, with bg video
    • Maintenance
  • Bootstrap cards
  • Advance cards
  • Draggable cards
  • Card actions
  • Card heading options
  • Content Grid
  • Typography
  • Text utilities
  • Syntax highlighter
  • Helper classes
  • Components

    • Alerts
    • Callout
    • Buttons
    • Carousel
    • Collapse
    • Dropdowns
    • List groups
    • Modals
    • Pagination
    • Navs
    • Tabs
    • Pills
    • Tooltips
    • Popovers
    • Tags
    • Pill tags
    • Progress bars
    • Media Objects
    • Scrollable
    • Loaders
  • Extra Components

    • Sweet Alerts
    • Tree Views
    • Toastr
    • Ratings
    • Context Menu
    • NoUI Slider
    • Date Time Dropper
    • Lists
    • Toolbar
    • Unslider
    • Knob
    • Long Press
    • Offline
    • Zoom
  • Icons

    • Feather
    • Ionicons
    • FPS Line Icons
    • Ico Moon
    • Font Awesome
    • Meteocons
    • Evil Icons
    • Linecons
  • Form Elements

    • Inputs
    • Input Groups
    • Input Grid
    • Extended Inputs
    • Checkboxes & Radios
    • Switch
    • Select
    • Dual Listbox
    • Tag Input
    • Validation
  • Form Layouts

    • Form Layouts
    • Basic Forms
    • Horizontal Forms
    • Hidden Labels
    • Form Actions
    • Row Separator
    • Bordered
    • Striped Rows
    • Striped Labels
  • Form Wizard

    • Circle Style
    • Notification Style
  • Form Repeater
  • Tables

    • Bootstrap Tables
    • Datatables
    • Handson Table
    • JsGrid
  • Editors

    • Quill Editor
    • CKEditor
    • Summernote
    • TinyMCE
  • Code Editors

    • Code Mirror
    • Ace
  • Date – Time pickers
  • Color picker
  • jQuery UI

    • Interactions
    • Navigations
    • Date Pickers
    • Autocomplete
    • Buttons & Select
    • Slider & Spinner
    • Dialog & Tooltip
  • Block UI
  • Image Cropper
  • Drag & Drop
  • File Uploader

    • Dropzone
    • jQuery File Upload
  • Event Calendars

    • Full Calendar
    • Clndr
  • Internationalization
  • Charts

    • Google Charts
    • Echarts
    • Chartjs
    • D3 Charts
    • C3 Charts
    • Chartist
    • Dimple Charts
    • Morris Charts
    • Flot Charts
    • Rickshaw Charts
  • Maps

    • Gmaps
    • Vector Maps

We have put lots of love and efforts in Robust – Premium Bootstrap 4 Admin, Dashboard & WebApp Kit Template to maximize productivity, save developers time be useful at the same time. We are keen to release continuous long term updates and dozens of new features in the future releases. After purchasing, you will be entitled to download all of future updates for free under the same license.

Enjoy using Robust – Premium Bootstrap 4 Admin, Dashboard & WebApp Kit Template and stay tuned to endless amazing updates!

26 November 2018 – Version 2.1

- Updated : Bootstrap v4.1.3
- Updated : js/css plugins/libraries
- Updated : Starter Kit
- Updated : Documentation
- Removed : Grunt Task Runner
- Removed : Pug Template Builder
- Fixed : Chart JS IE issue
- Fixed : Fullcalendar for Mobile View

24 March 2018 – Version 2.0

- Simple Line Icons
- Chat application page
- Email application page
- Checkout Page
- Pricing Page
- New cards & widgets
- New components
- Square and Round buttons in components
- popper js
- Dynamic assets and app-assets path for pug
- Customizer for checking various option in demo

- Updated to Bootstrap 4 stable
- Converted all Jade files to Pug
- Updated Grunt and Gulp packages
- jQuery to latest version
- Bootstrap js
- chartJS
- chartist
- DataTables
- Sweet alert plugin
- Ratings plugin
- Noui slider
- Dropzone file uploader
- Image cropper
- Documentation
- jquery.twbspagination js
- imagesloaded.pkgd js
- video js & css
- bootstrap-maxlength
- jquery.repeater js
- Select2 js
- jquery validation js
- masonry.pkgd js
- photo-swipe
- daterangepicker js
- bootstrap-datetimepicker js & css
- moment-with-locales js
- animate css
- Improved menu collapse/expand animation
- Updated Documentation
- Changed font face from system fonts to Muli & Open Sans
- Updated spacing & Styling

- Horizontal timeline
- Top spacing on small screen for horizontal layouts.
- Starter kit error on console on click of reload button.
- Center align footer on horizontal center layout.
- Align properly send button on mega menu contact form for RTL.
- In RTL, Collapse menu icon alignment fixed
- Color variable changes from assets scss file was not affecting

- Ionicons
- FPS Line Icons
- Ico Moon
- Evil Icons
- Linecons
- tether js

16 March 2017 – Version 1.2

- Added Gulp support for template generation
- Optimized and distributed grunt file
- Include csscomb for beautiful css code.
- New JADE structure &b variables for better performance and template generation.

- CSS & JS Optimization for better performance and speed.
- Created new src folder for sourcs files and moved jade, scss and core js files in it.
- Renamed folder robust-assets to app-assets
- Renamed folder robust-builder to template-builder
- Renamed demo-data folder to data
- Vendor CSS and JS files moved to app-assets/vendors folder
- Folder locales  moved to data
- Folder ico moved to images
- Folder doc-images moved to images
- Renamed components.scss, robust-variables.scss file to app.scss, app-variables.scss
- Renamed bootstrap-robust.scss file to bootstrap-extended.scss
- Renamed robust.js & robust-menu.js to app.js & app-menu.js
- Renamed robust to app everywhare in css and js classes (.robust-content, .robust-shape changesd to .app-content, .app-shape).

- Active menu class for compact menu items and sub menu items.
- Open selected menu by default for compact menu.
- jQuery dialog
- Advance cards menu
- jQuery file upload console error
- echarts console error
- Table components console error

- Removed page & plugin scss includes from old components.scss and include only required CSS and JS on page specific only to improve speed.
- Removed base64 encoding from font css file icomoon.css for and adde FF warning
- Removed hamburgers plugins, and provided scss support for it.

6 February 2017 – Version 1.1

- New: Navbar with components
- New: Added starter kit folder seperately.

- Fixed: Horizontal layout small screen which space issue between top navbar and content
- Fixed: Coming soon page with bg video option for RTL
- Fixed: Missing css, js & images files.
- Fixed: Console error for missing file and js issues
- Fixed: Invoice list page table responsive and select all issue
- Fixed: Horizontal timeline shadow and improve spacing
- Fixed: RTL right sticky sidebar hidden on scroll
- Fixed: Horizontal scrollbar issue where dropzone used
- Fixed: Navigation icon right side icon alignment
- Fixed: Perfect scrollbar, page should  scroll after content scroll
- Fixed: RTL Knob js icon center alignment
- Fixed: RTL Social card carousal
- Fixed: RTL Custom radio checkbox
- Fixed: RTL Full-screen search horizontal scroll
- Fixed: RTL Alert icons not coming in with arrow alert

- Enhancement: Improved all charts js file and loading time
- Enhancement: Megamenu components support
- Enhancement: Improved all starter kit pages.
- Enhancement: Removed functionality specific css/js include from common style/script file and included on requirement basis to improve loading speed

30 January 2017 – Version 1.0

Initial Release

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