Reactify – React Redux Material BootStrap 4 + Laravel Admin Template

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Reactify is a developer-friendly powerful reactjs template developed with redux, react hooks, redux-thunk, webpack 4, laravel and bootstrap 4.. It is fully responsive and supports RTL languages with an integrated language translation method. It provides ready to use components, widgets, and pages which makes it super easy to build a new admin panel as per requirement. It comes with pre-integrated API methods that provide you the power to build your dynamic listing pages with ease. Directly usable widgets give you the flexibility to show multiple details on your dashboard and other pages. If you are building a SAAS product please purchase an extended license. Reactify has dashboards like Ecommerce, CRM, Saas, Agency, and News with ready to use widgets.
Click here for documentation


Webpack 4.x

Webpack 3.x

Reactify - React Redux Material BootStrap 4 + Laravel Admin Template - 1
Reactify - React Redux Material BootStrap 4 + Laravel Admin Template - 2


  • Unique dashboard designs
  • 300+ UI elements
  • 20+ Custom page
  • Text editors
  • 1000+ Font icons
  • Responsive and data tables
  • Charts and graphs
  • Interactive maps

Modules integrated

  • Reactjs
  • Material-UI
  • Reactstrap
  • Redux
  • Webpack 4.x
  • React Router Dom
  • Redux Thunk
  • Redux Saga
  • React-Instantsearch
  • Recharts
  • Axios
  • auth0-js
  • Slick Slider
  • Themify Icons
  • Material Icons
  • React Quill
  • React Draft Wysiwyg
  • Google Maps
  • Leaflet Maps
  • Jvector Map
  • React Dragula
  • Screenfull
  • Moment.js
  • React Big Calendar
  • React Bootstrap Sweetalert
  • React Custom Scrollbars
  • React d3 Speedometer
  • Star Ratings
  • React notifications
  • React Content Loader

Change log for reactify

Change Log V 4.2.1 – 15-Feb-2019

Udpated - material-ui/core 3.9.2
Updated - chart.js 2.7.3
Updated - Auth0-js 9.10.0
Updated - downshift 3.2.2
Updated - reactstrap 7.1
Updated - Redux 4.0.1
Updated - Google-map-react 1.1.2 
Updated - React-redux 6.0.0
Updated - React-router-dom 4.3.1
Updated - Other Modules Versions

Change Log V 4.2.0 – 25-september-2018

ADDED - Laravel Version

Change Log V 4.1.0 – 20-september-2018

ADDED - React Helmet Module For SEO
ADDED - Image Cropper Module
ADDED - Video Player Module
ADDED - File Upload With Dropzone

UPDATED - React DOM 16.5.2
UPDATED - React 16.5.2
UPDATED - Redux 4.0.0
UPDATED - MUI Datatables
UPDATED - React Chartjs2
UPDATED - React Sidebar
UPDATED - Material-ui

FIXED - Sidebar Menu Translation Issue

Change Log V 4.0.2 – 1-september-2018

FIXED - Campaign Chart Widget Issue
ADDED - Run App In Local Network

Change Log V 4.0.1 – 29-august-2018

FIXED - Stock Exchange Widget
UPDATED - material-ui 1.5.0

Change Log V 4.0.0 – 26-july-2018

ADDED - News Dashboard
ADDED - Boxed V2 Layout
ADDED - 6 New Widgets

UPDATED - Sidebar
UPDATED - Mail App
UPDATED - Chat App
UPDATED - Todo App
UPDATED - Routes Structure

FIXED - Stock Exchange Widget

Change Log V 3.0.0 – 07-july-2018

ADDED - New Dashboard For Agency
ADDED - New Layout
ADDED - Friendly-errors-webpack-plugin

UPDATED - Horizontal Menu Layout
UPDATED - Chat Module Layout
UPDATED - Mail App Module Layout
UPDATED - Chat Sidebar Component
UPDATED - Material UI 1.3.1

FIXED - Scroll issue on chat, mail and todo module.

Change Log V 2.2.0 – 04-June-2018

ADDED - Auth0
ADDED - react-instantsearch (Algolia)
ADDED - Ecommerce Shop Page
ADDED - Ecommerce Cart Page
ADDED - Ecommerce Checkout Page
ADDED - Ecommerce Dashboard
ADDED - Saas Dashboard
ADDED - Multilevel Menus
ADDED - Horizontal Menus Layout

UPDATED - Material-UI 1.0.1
UPDATED - Widgets Structure
UPDATED - Sidebar Layout
UPDATED - Header Layout
UPDATED - Signin and Signup Pages
UPDATED - Color Schemes

FIXED - Compile Time
FIXED - Language Translation issue on some pages

Change Log V 2.1 – 15-May-2018

ADDED - Four new widgets
ADDED - React Content Loader

UPDATED - Dashboard

Change Log V 2.0 – 10-may-2018

ADDED - Seventeen new widgets
ADDED - Redux-Saga
ADDED - HMR (Hot Module Replacement)
ADDED - Horizontal Layout
ADDED - Theme Color Schemes
ADDED - New Dashboard
ADDED - React-Sidebar
ADDED - Footer Menus
ADDED - Search Form

FIXED - Rtl issue
FIXED - Sidebar issue
FIXED - Language translate issue on header and sidebar
FIXED - Untranslated strings


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