ProfilePoint – SAAS MultiUser Digital Business Card, Resume and Portfolio Builder

Deal Score0
Deal Score0



ProfilePoint is a SAAS based multi-user resume, business card and profile management system. Here users can create free account, purchase a package and create their own portfolio, cv, resume or business card.

The source code of this script is very easy and clean. The interface is user-friendly. Non-technical users can modify every text, photos and other website elements.

Software Features

  1. Laravel 8 is used
  2. PHP 7.4 is supported
  3. Easy and simple interface
  4. Fully responsive
  5. Clean codes
  6. Easy Installation in domain or subdomain
  7. User Friendly
  8. Easily Customizable
  9. Cache Clear system
  10. Secured against CSRF, SQL Injection and XSS
  11. Purify package was used for security
  12. PayPal payment gateway integrated
  13. Stripe payment gateway integrated
  14. Razorpay payment gateway integrated
  15. Mollie payment gateway integrated
  16. Instamojo payment gateway integrated
  17. Flutterwave payment gateway integrated
  18. Paystack payment gateway integrated
  19. Bank payment gateway integrated
  20. Search profiles by name
  21. Search profiles by city
  22. Search profiles by country

Admin Features

  1. Data statistics in dashboard
  2. Manage general setting
  3. Manage payment settings
  4. Payment methods on/off system
  5. Manage currency settings
  6. Manage email settings (SMTP information)
  7. Unlimited package creation by admin
  8. Free and Pro both package creation
  9. See all the registered users
  10. User activate, deactivate
  11. User basic information editing
  12. User deletion
  13. Manage footer items
  14. Show or hide menu items
  15. Email subscription system and send email to subscribers
  16. Manage email templates
  17. Add, edit or delete new pages
  18. Making the menu options show or hide
  19. Manage completed and pending orders
  20. See individual orders and print the invoice
  21. Managing website language translation
  22. Manage feature, faq, blog, testimonial sections
  23. Google Recaptcha setup and on/off system
  24. Google Analytic setup and on/off system
  25. Website color (2 colors) change system
  26. Tawk live chat setup and on/off system
  27. Cookie consent setup and on/off system
  28. RTL Support
  29. Edit profile information
  30. Reset password option

User Features

  1. Free User Registration with email verification
  2. Reset password option
  3. Section control for profile
  4. Section control for vcard
  5. User panel template direction change
  6. User panel template color change
  7. Profile template selection
  8. Profile template color selection
  9. Profile template RTL support
  10. Vcard template selection
  11. Vcard template color selection
  12. Vcard template RTL support
  13. Copyright text change
  14. All page content change option
  15. All Page SEO information (title and meta description) setup
  16. Language translation option for users
  17. Resume section management
  18. Skill category section management
  19. Skill section management
  20. Education section management
  21. Work History section management
  22. Testimonial section management
  23. Portfolio category section management
  24. Portfolio section management
  25. Post category section management
  26. Post section management
  27. Unlimited social media management
  28. Buy package option
  29. Free and pro package purchase option
  30. Edit Profile option

Payment Gateways Integrated

  • PayPal
  • Stripe
  • Razorpay
  • Flutterwave
  • Mollie
  • Instamojo
  • Paystack
  • Bank


  • PHP >= 7.4
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension


Front End:

User Profile 1:
User Vcard 1:

User Profile 2:
User Vcard 2:

Admin Panel:

Admin Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234

User Panel:

User Login 1: [email protected] | 1234
User Login 2: [email protected] | 1234

Note: Data will not saved in demo version.


Version: 1.1 (July 27, 2022)

- Added the functionality to add url, image etc. into the editor.

Version: 1.0 (January 11, 2022)

Initial Release.


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