PHP Auctions Script
PHP Auctions Script
Start Today! Run your own Auctions Platform and earn by charging a percentage for each successful sold auction.Features Overview The first auction platform that let’s you earn a percentage from each auction that’s sold. Also you can earn from either charging for featured listings/regular...
PHP Reverse Auctions Script
Create your own Reverse Auction type of website and start generating some revenueComplete PHP Reverse Auction Script In a reverse auction the roles of buyer and seller are reversed: the sellers compete to obtain business from the buyer and prices are decreasing. (instead of increasing...
LaraBid - A Laravel PHP Auction Platform
LaraBid is a PHP auction script which lets your customers sell their product by auction, interested person will bid on the available products, and the winner will get the product.Turn your website into an online bidding platform with LaraBid Auction Script, you need almost zero coding...
Bidout - Multivendor Auction & Bidding Platform
BidOut is a Multivendor Auction and Bidding Application for the purpose of different categories of...
ViserBid - Multivendor Auction Bidding Platform
ViserBid is a complete solution for a Multivendor Bid and Win (Auction) website. ViserBid is an online-based platform that helps merchants and businesses from across the globe to sell their items by setting up an auction. A Marketplace auction platform is exactly what it sounds like: auctioneers...
Auction Genius - Multivendor Auction and Bidding Platform
Are you ready to launch your own online auction website? Look no further than AuctionGenius, the most advanced and comprehensive auction script available on Codecanyon. With AuctionGenius, you can create a powerful multivendor auction and bidding platform that offers a seamless, secure, and...
AuctionPRO - All in One Auction Platform
AuctionPRO is a complete solution for an Online Auction Platform. AuctionPRO is an online-based platform that helps users to sell their items by creating an auction for bidding. Its an undoubtedly the largest auction script with huge advanced and standard features. Users are able to register...
Bid_Pin - Multivendor Auction & Bidding Platform
Bid_Pin is an advanced auction and bidding platform engineered utilizing the Laravel 10 framework, designed to facilitate global auctioneering and bidding activities. This robust platform enables users from across the world to engage in the buying and selling of items through a competitive...
Slippa - Domains,Website ,App & Social Media Marketplace PHP Script
Create your digital marketplace in 5 seconds !! USER DEMO USER LOGIN (Demo user panel) USERNAME : user PASSWORD : 1234 ADMIN DEMO ADMIN DEMO (Demo admin control panel) USERNAME : admin PASSWORD : 1234 Slippa script is a PHP Based advance marketplace script....
BidLab - Online Bidding & Auction Platform
Bidlab is a complete solution for an Online Bid and Win (Auction) website. Bidlab is an online-based platform that helps people and businesses from across the globe to sell their items by setting up an auction. eBay is undoubtedly the largest auction site on the internet and prides itself as the...
Start Today! Run your own Auctions Platform and earn by charging a percentage for each successful sold auction.
Features Overview
The first auction platform that let's you earn a percentage from each auction that's sold.
Also you can earn from either charging for featured listings/regular listings.
- Responsive: twitter bootstrap, html5, jQuery, CodeIgniter
- Easy Bidding & Bin System: people can bid or bin via PayPal/Stripe ( Credit Card )
- Categories system for auctions
- Membership: fully featured users registration, login, profile management, etc.
- Balance System: every user earnings are set on site balance which can be later cleared by you after subtracting fees.
- Messging System: beautiful internal messaging system
- Email & Popup Notifications: either if it's a new bid, a new message or some other auction, users will be notified by email & in on site popup with the news!
- Easy Checkout: when people use the BIN button, they're redirected to payment for closing the transaction ( PayPal/Stripe )
- …. so much more to discover in our live demo
Admin Overview – Full Control
- Listings
- Categories
- Members
- Comments
- Bids
- Transactions
- Payment Settings
- SEO title, description, keywords
- Logo, contact email, etc.
Admin Demo
URL: https://auctions.crivion.com/admin
User: admin
Pass: crivionrocks
Don't let everyone else EARN while you're just watching! Get your copy of PHP Auctions now!
Updates Log
Oct 2020 - v1.4 - Added cronjob to pick winners for expired auctions without a BIN - not a manual feature anymore! - Take payments not only for BIN listings but also for auctions won by highest bidder. - Download the latest version and read documentation.html on how to ugprade
Feb 2020 - v1.3 - you can now add SMTP Server to avoid issues with the mail() server sending to spam folder/not sending at all - fixes an issue where ipv6 users couldn't register
Oct 2019 - v1.2 Fixes: - price filtering by ASC/DESC was not working properly - now compatible with php 7.3+ - when auction title was too long it was messing the layout on homepage/all auctions pages - reserve price could be higher than bin when creating a new auction - creating a new category did not check if that name is already in (so you could end up with the same category name multiple times) - login from user profile page form was not working
Jan 2019 - v1.1.2 - adjusted code to make it compatible with latest PHP7+ servers - to ugprade, simply copy and overwrite upgrade-files/helpers/get_option_helper.php and set_option_helper.php into application/helpers/ folder.
July 2018 - three stylesheets were missing from last update - to update, simply copy featherlight.css, featherlight.gallery.css and sweetalert.css into css/ folder.
June 2018 - v1.1.1 - (fix) slight issues with licensing on newer php version
April 2018 - v1.1 - fixed crucial responsive issues - fixed: if bid price is higher than BIN, the bin will automatically increase - new: added bank transfer and manual payment options (thanks to Roderick1) - new: admin can now set currency code and symbol directly into admin panel - new: configure listing duration in admin panel - new: configure the text intro on header - new: configure the heading and subheading on homepage
Feb 2017 - Initial Release