OneJobPortal – Jobs board and resume builder

Deal Score0
Deal Score0


OneJobPortal – Jobs portal and ResumeCV builder

1. OneJobPortal helps Candidates create resumes easily with the builder and easy find a job.

2. OneJobPortal helps Employers to post jobs, search for candidates and receive applicants

3. OneJobPortal helps You make money with Ads and SAAS version Packages for Employers (post jobs) (Need Extended license for it.)

OneJobPortal - Jobs board and resume builder - 1

Demo APP

Demo website:

Account demo:

Admin => email: [email protected] | pass: [email protected]
Candidate => email: [email protected] | pass: [email protected]
Employer => email: [email protected] | pass: [email protected]

Build with Laravel, Open source, Self hosted


Create a ticket on:

Job Seeker: After registration job seeker can perform following actions:

  • Free Registration
  • Created Profile
  • Builder Resume
  • Public Resume
  • Download PDF resumeCV
  • Edit profile
  • Apply on Jobs
  • Search Jobs
  • Manage Applied Jobs
  • Login with social

Job provider's (Companies) can perform following action:

  • Free Registration
  • Created Profile
  • Edit profile
  • Employer Packages
  • Post Jobs
  • Manage Posted Jobs
  • Edit or Delete Jobs
  • Manage Applied Candidates
  • Payment with Striper or PayPal
  • Login with social
  • Public apply jobs

Administrator can manage whole website:

  • Admin users
  • Manage Jobs
  • Manage Companies
  • Manage Seekers
  • Manage Content Pages
  • Manage SEO
  • Manage Site Languages
  • Manage locations
  • Manage Employer Packages
  • Manage Site Settings
  • Manage Job Attributes
  • ManagerADS…

And many features…



Server Requirements

  • PHP >= 7.3
  • openssl
  • pdo
  • gd
  • tokenizer
  • JSON
  • bcmath
  • exif
  • mbstring
  • xml
  • ctype
  • cURL
  • zip

Change log

Version 1.0.9 – Feb 27, 2022
- Hidden menu create_resume for candidate - admin
- Fix bug new Client SSL license and set_time_limit
Version 1.0.8 – Jan 11, 2022
- Fix bug jobs city name isset
- Fix bug login with social
Version 1.0.7 – Oct 18, 2021
- Fix some bugs
Version 1.0.6 – July 11, 2021
- Fix some-bugs
- Clean code for fast
- Add Modules Blogs
- Add Modules Tracklink Job Details
Version 1.0.5 – July 3, 2021
- Fix some bugs
Version 1.0.4 – July 1, 2021
 - Initial Release


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