Muscle Monsters – Muscle Monsters

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Product Name: Muscle Monsters – Muscle Monsters

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Muscle Monsters – Muscle Monsters is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Thanks To A New Performance Formula Designed To Maximize Your Sleep… Whether You Get 8, 6, or Only 4 Hours A Night!

You can have the best sleep of your life tonight…

With less effort than lifting a finger. Because on this page, you’ll discover a potent sleep solution guaranteed to maximize your sleep cycle in just 14 seconds.

And I’m not talking about lengthening your sleep either… while that will happen… sleep quality is most important. And I’ve discovered a brand new way to enhance your rest so even if you sleep just 4 hours a night… whether you’re busy, workout late in the evening, or just like to stay up late… you’ll still enjoy the same kind of benefits of getting a full 8 hours of sleep or more…

Here’s why getting ‘quality’ sleep critical…

Groundbreaking scientific research confirms low-grade sleep is making you less of a man. And has scary side-effects. Like…

Take a second and think of how you woke up this morning. And…

If you answered yes to any of the questions above… you’re suffering from a condition called Catabolic Sleep. Which I’ll explain in a minute…

But first—you need to know something very important. Most men who read this page won’t do anything. They’ll ignore the science-based evidence. (I placed numbers in brackets to reference studies from University-backed research papers to confirm everything you read is true).

But listen—ignoring the problem doesn’t make it disappear… In fact…

It only makes your symptoms worse. Causing more exhaustion, humiliation in the bedroom, and at risk of serious disease…

So I hope you’re not like most men. Because minutes from now, if you follow the routine on this page, you can reverse these side effects in a very simple way. And…

No more feeling run down or ‘beat’ at the end of the day…

Because you’ll wake up each morning with a steady flow of sustainable energy that keeps you going strong all day long. Without a hint of slowing down…

Your muscles will feel recharged. Your libido will feel cranked up to level 10. And you’ll have more focus and drive to carry you through the work day. Why? Because you’ll finally unlock the kind of rest your body needs.

But you need to hurry and improve your sleep before it’s too late. Because…

And that’s exactly what happened to me.

Hi. My name’s Alain Gonzalez. A fitness coach and author who’s made it my mission to help hundreds of thousands of guys around the globe get the body, confidence and life they desire…

But a few years ago, at only 31 years old, my body took a turn for the worst. WIthout any warning. Like someone flipped the “off” switch on my masculinity… And it started in the most embarrassing way possible…

I first noticed some “red flags” in the morning. I went from my “soldier” standing at full salute… to waking up with my “buddy” dead as a doorknob.

I hadn’t thought anything of it. Until one morning my wife chuckled to herself and said I was “looking smaller down there”…

I was so embarrassed I started waking up 30-minutes earlier just so I could jump in the shower without her catching a peek of my shriveled member.

And I wish that was the worst of it. Because my morning shame turned into a bedroom nightmare. I became more inconsistent under the covers. And when we’d make love it was hit or miss…

Some nights I scraped up just enough mojo to make it through the act. But most nights it was like someone cast a spell on my manhood. No matter what we did or how hard we tried, it wouldn’t budge…

While my wife would sit up in bed, arms crossed, with an angry look on her face…

One night she even burst into tears. Sobbing uncontrollably. Accusing me of not being attracted to her anymore after giving birth to our two kids…

I immediately grabbed both her hands and promised it wasn’t her. I mean, she’s beautiful and an amazing mother… If anything I was more attracted to her now than ever before. I couldn’t stand to see her hurting like this.

She said it was fine and she’ll get over it. Which bold faced lie. No woman will actually tell you what she’s thinking. They don’t want to hurt our fragile male egos. So deep down inside I knew things were not “okay”. However, I didn’t know how bad it would eventually get. Because…

Every night was full of awkward tension you could cut with a knife. What was once a bed of steamy hot passion was now a cold reminder that I couldn’t do the one deed every man was created to do… to spread his seed.

And it wasn’t long before my insecurities got so bad I quit initiating sex altogether. I couldn’t stand seeing her disappointment if I “failed to launch” again…

So I frantically searched for a solution. And answers for why my manhood fell apart so quickly.

And what I discovered SHOCKED me. Because I’d never heard of anything like it before. See…

There was something else I wasn’t getting between the sheets… Something that EVERY man needs (and wants). But very few men get… SLEEP.

But not just any kind of sleep—like broken… tossing and turning… mind-racing… “sleep”. You need something better… quality sleep. Or “Anabolic Sleep” as some research papers call it… which is far more important for your manhood than sleep quantity (how long you sleep).

Here’s the problem most men don’t realize… getting more sleep is NOT the answer. Especially if it’s a broken sleep.

Think of all the times you sat in bed trying to fall asleep… but you can’t. Or woke up boiling hot under the covers. Woke up to pee in the middle of the night. Or open your eyes and it’s only 2- 3- or 4- am.

Here’s the terrifying truth… That kind of restless sleep is dangerous to your health…

Medical professionals call it Catabolic Sleep. And it’s ruining the lives of men everywhere. In fact…

Alan Shindel, Medical Doctor and Clinical Instructor of Andrology at the University of California at San Francisco says…

After discovering this scary sleep disorder, it was like a light bulb turned on in my head. And my pitiful bedroom performance made sense. See…

I’m a busy guy. Just like you are. I have a wife. 4 kids. I run my own business. And I hit the gym daily… And…

As a man, when you’re taking care of what needs to get done, it’s easy to forget about getting quality rest…

And that’s exactly what I did. I fell into a pattern of early mornings and late nights. Just so I could fit everything into my day that needed to get done… In fact, it wouldn’t have been strange for me to get only 5-hours of sleep a night or two every week…

But even on nights when I tried “going to bed early” I tossed and turned. And layed in bed, staring at the ceiling. Mind racing. Thinking about everything I wanted to accomplish the next day.

And the scary truth is, I’m not the only one. Because…

When I happened upon this discovery I knew I had to fix my broken sleep…

Because if I truly wanted to put my family first and fix my marriage, I needed more quality sleep…

And I hoped that once I got it, I’d be able to deliver in the bedroom again. And rekindle the romantic flame my wife and I once shared between the sheets. Because…

A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine shows fixing catabolic sleep can reverse erectile dysfunction and ramp up your testosterone and sexual performance [13].

And invigorate you with energy and confidence again.

While boosting muscle recovery and growth a massive 71% overnight. So you can say goodbye to…

Low libido… Muscle loss… Soreness and sickness… In fact—All of the symptoms of catabolic sleep CAN BE REVERSED…

And you can wake up feeling harder, leaner and happier than you have in years. With more sexual vigour than a high-school teenager. And renewed muscle and strength… Plus…

More energy than you know what to do with. And pulsating with naturally high testosterone levels that promise better results in the gym, at the office and behind closed doors…

And I have the solution for you on this very page. That’ll help you…

See—I discovered that the answer to my sleep struggles wasn’t that I needed more sleep. But I needed to make the most of every second I slept. And get the highest quality rest a man could possibly achieve…

Because a brand new study published in the National Institute of Health found a direct connection between low-quality sleep and age related muscle loss…

And the less quality sleep you get, the more muscle you lose… Which is a vicious cycle. Because…

When you lose muscle you get weak. And your metabolism slows down. Then, your body starts storing fat in embarrassing places… Which lowers testosterone even more…

And it only gets worse. Because you won’t see the results you want from your workouts. All because your body practically slips into a muscle-eating coma every night…

As a fitness professional, I wish I could say I didn’t experience this effect during my bout with catabolic sleep. But in all honesty, I’ve been there. See…

My “buddy down below” wasn’t the only part of me that got soft and weak. But I began to notice my physique getting flabbier. And strength gains in the gym were harder to get…

For weeks I couldn’t break training plateaus. And I even got weaker on some of my favorite lifts. I felt like I was swimming upstream against a violent current…

And it was just a matter of time before I got swept away altogether. Plus…

On most mornings I woke up more tired than when I went to bed. And would drag myself into the kitchen—and down shots of coffee and pre-workout. Just so I could get a little “kick” before the day started.

But most of the time I felt nothing. And because I wasn’t seeing any results I was less motivated than ever before.

On some days I even got dizzy while I worked out. Which never happened before…

To top it off, when I got home from work, I was like a zombie. And had no energy to play with my kids. Or give them the time and attention every child needs from their daddy…

I felt powerless. Like I was being dominated by some unseen force around the clock.

I thought my only escape was to start taking sleeping pills. And pray to God I didn’t get addicted to them…

But after trying drugstore sleep aids for a few weeks, nothing changed. I still woke up feeling groggy…

I started experiencing strange side effects too. Like shakiness. And jitters. And wanting to nap more throughout the day…

That's when I decided to research the side effects of sleeping pills… and I discovered some scary stats, like…

In fact, a recent publication in the Pharmacy Times, says sleeping aids cause an additional 500,000 deaths in the United States per year…

The author of the study, Dr. Daniel Kripke, found men and women who consume sleeping pills multiple times a year are 5X more likely to die an early death. And have up to a 99% greater chance of developing some form of cancer in their lifetime.

Not to mention, they come with a ton of side effects, like daytime drowsiness, dizziness, headaches, brain fog, uncontrollable shaking, and weakness… which explains why I was feeling worse.

And after weeks of putting my hope in the most popular sleep aids on the market, I found that, on average, these pills only add a measly 30-40 minutes of sleep to your night…

And it’s not even the kind of sleep that’ll revive your libdo and recover muscle mass either. Because…

Just a few doses of them can shut down your body’s ability to produce melatonin—your natural “sleep hormone”. So you’ll never fall asleep on your own again. And if you do, it’ll be low-quality, restless sleep.

Which ruins any chance you have of being the muscular, high-performing man you want to be. Or God forbid…

You’ll wind up sick with cancer… or dead. The facts point to this bitter end. And you’re one of the few men that now knows this information. Because you’re reading this important letter…

The good news is—this isn’t where the story ends. Because after reading about the nasty effects of sleep-aids, I went back to the drawing board…

But instead of trying to find a solution on the internet or in the aisle of a drug store, I made a bold decision.

When I told my wife about it I could tell she was desperate for anything to get me going again. After all, my ‘good as dead’ member didn’t just stop me from having sex… But made it impossible to meet her sexual needs, too…

So I worked like crazy to get this remedy developed. And finally put an end to this dark season of life… And…

After countless hours of work and with the help of a scientific research team, I developed the 14-second NATURAL sleep solution you can use every night to get the Anabolic Sleep your body craves as a man…

By blending only wholesome sleep enhancing and testosterone boosting ingredients into an unbeatable formula…

And in just a moment I’ll share the exact ingredients that make this powerfully effective sleep blend. But first…

I bet you’re wondering if my wife noticed any “get up” in the bedroom… Well…

After my first dose of this special formula, I slept through the night like a carefree child in complete bliss. And woke up with more life in my boxer shorts than I experienced in months. And was so hard I didn’t even have to wake my wife up…

Before we even got out of bed we made up for lost time. And even though it was first thing in the morning, I felt like I had enough energy to keep going past breakfast and lunch… There wasn’t a single part of me that felt sluggish.

Later that morning I walked into the gym with a spring in my step that I’d been missing for a long time…

Sure, maybe it was the morning sex that gave me the extra pep in my step. But when I started my training routine, I felt stronger—and drove through each rep with more intensity. Plus I had a throbbing pump that I hadn’t gotten for months…

Sure, I wasn’t 100% of my “old self” after that one night. But I had more horsepower. And the only thing I changed was drinking this pre-bed sleep/testosterone enhancer the night before.

I was thrilled with the results I noticed after just one dose that I started keeping track of my progress day after day…

And saw massive improvements. Like…

It seems like every day was better since I gave my supplement a test-drive…

And now I want you to experience it… And…

No more shoddy sleep… No more second-rate sex… No more waking up feeling sore and weak.

Because you’re about to get your hands on this little-known life-changing snooze formula that’ll help you sleep like a puppy every night…

While healing your muscles and boosting energy levels overnight, giving you exactly what you need for Anabolic Sleep.

Because I’m so confident in the effectiveness of this formula that (in just a moment) you’ll find out how you can try it absolutely risk-free. This groundbreaking supplement holds life-changing power in each scoop…

And can transform you into the strong, thriving, confident and capable man you want to be. Overnight…

PITCH BLACK is a revolutionary new formula for men to make sleep easy… While maximizing every minute of shut-eye for greater muscle recovery, more testosterone, and all day energy that just won’t quit…

And guarantees you’ll never feel drowsy, tired or weak in the morning again… And instead will awaken to more testosterone, muscle and energy…

After your very first dose of PITCH BLACK you’ll notice an improved night’s sleep… Because each scoop contains the perfect blend of natural anabolic sleep enhancers. You’ll go to bed every night these high-powered ingredients putting in the work to make you a better man…

While you do nothing. (Except get the best sleep you’ve had in a long time).

Almost instantly you’ll experience longer and harder erections. And your partner will be pleased with your performance between the sheets… Because you’ve got this magic formula working wonders for your testosterone and energy levels. Plus…

You’ll pack on muscle mass easier than ever before. Because you’ll finally get the anabolic rest that your body craves. And you’ll heal from your workouts every night like clockwork. And feel bulletproof when you wake up the next morning…

When your alarm clock sounds, you won’t hit the snooze. Because you won’t need to. You’ll feel so charged-up after a restful night’s sleep that you can have sex, hit the gym and get the kids off to school without taking a sip of morning coffee. (Unless you want to).

When you take PITCH BLACK you’ll feel like a new man. Rested. Powerful. Passionate. Fully alive. With…

I know that trying something new for your body and life is a big decision…

And I want to make this offer as easy and honest as possible for you. And give you the opportunity to try PITCH BLACK completely risk-free. So you can experience all the benefits for yourself without a second thought about it…

Which is why, if you buy PITCH BLACK today, you’ll get…

Why would you keep paying for over the counter sleep aids that don’t deliver when you could try Pitch Black 100% Risk Free?

You wouldn’t. It makes no sense to skip out on a one-time opportunity to test-drive this unbeatable supplement that fixes catabolic sleep. So you can sleep like a baby and wake up with rock hard muscle and even harder erections. And it surely doesn’t make sense for you to miss out when I’m putting all the risk on me.

See, I’m so confident you’ll love your experience with PITCH BLACK that I’m willing to do what every sleep aid you’ve tried isn’t doing—put my money where my mouth is.

Because I have great respect for you and your time, I’ve given you an insider’s look at every ingredient of this surefire sleep solution—all of which are 100% natural and help your body work better. So there’s no guesswork about what you’re getting with PITCH BLACK.

And now—I want to make a promise I know you’ll value. And you can hang onto with certainty…

Then I will personally refund your every penny. All you have to do is send the rest of your unopened bottles back… (see specific details in the FAQ section below)… and you’ll receive a refund—no questions asked.

Most supplement companies wouldn’t dare make this kind of promise to you. But that’s how confident I am in PITCH BLACK.

Take my signature below as a signed agreement between you and me that I will come through on my every word to you today:

I don’t think this option is for you. Because the very fact that you’re still reading tells me you want a solution now. But I’ll mention this path anyway…

You can keep daydreaming about getting sleep. And spend your nights tossing and turning…staring at the ceiling while counting sheep…feeling pooped in the morning before you’ve even set foot onto your cold bedroom floor. Hoping that someday, somehow a switch will magically flip for you. And you’ll get decent rest…

But there’s no reason to think that’ll ever happen. And while you wait around for “something to happen” you’ll continue to suffer. Your testosterone levels will continue to plummet. Your libido will shrivel up and you won’t be able to please your partner sexually. You’ll feel like a puny man with little self confidence. And constantly worry if she’ll leave you for a man who can deliver.

You’ll lose muscle and start to pack on fat because your anabolic hormones don’t come to life when you sleep—because you never sleep deep enough for your body to work like it should.

You’ll keep reaching for the snooze button each morning. Hoping that each 5-minute snooze will help you feel more rested. But it never does. And you’ll remember the breaking new research you’ve read on this page…

And likely kick yourself for passing on this incredible offer today. Don’t miss this…

Doing nothing is making a choice. It’s making the decision to stay on the path that’ll lead to your destruction as a man. But you can detour RIGHT NOW…

This is the choice you’re meant to make. Because when you buy PITCH BLACK today, you’ll restore your performance, power and purpose as a man.

You’ll be shocked by how great your quality of life increases simply by improving sleep. Because when you replace damaging catabolic sleep with restful, anabolic sleep, you’ll stoke every fire in the body that you need to thrive…

You’ll skyrocket your testosterone levels (which are declining in men faster than ever before). You’ll please your wife in the bedroom with rock hard erections and energy to go all night long.

Building a strong and powerful physique will get easier. And muscle recovery will become automatic. Because when you get anabolic sleep, your body rewards you.

When you buy PITCH BLACK today, you’ll get the extra edge you need to upgrade your performance at work. And have the mental clarity and drive you need to outdo the competition. When you get home from dominating the office, you’ll thrive with a steady flow of energy and have no problem devoting attention to your partner and kids.

And when it’s time for lights out, your partner won’t let you sleep until you give her what she needs… And you do to full satisfaction. Before getting another unbeatable night of rest.

All of this and more is packed into a bottle of PITCH BLACK. And completely risk free. Because you’re backed with a 365-Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee…

Make the right choice here and now. All you have to do is…

P.S. If you want to get the best sleep of your life and pour natural testosterone, energy and healing elixir into your body click or tap here to get started. I’ve created this sleep supplement just for you—a man who wants to thrive in every area of life—because upgrading your life begins between the sheets with restful, anabolic sleep. Choose your package below and I get PITCH BLACK delivered to you right away.

P.P.S. Don’t forget. You have nothing to lose when you purchase your PITCH BLACK package today. You’re backed-up by my 365-Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee. If this natural sleep solution doesn’t significantly enhance rest and performance, you’ll get every penny of your money back. Just send the unopened bottles and I’ll make it right.

The first thing you should know is the only reason I went through the journey of creating PITCH BLACK is because I wasn’t satisfied with other sleep enhancing options on the market. They didn’t work for me—and only made me feel and perform worse as a man. Plus, they’re lethal to your body.

If there was a sleep solution that provided the same results, I would have happily saved my time and energy and taken that. But PITCH BLACK delivers where other “sleep aids” can’t…

Because it’s uniquely designed to reverse catabolic sleep (and its negative side-effects) while directly filling your body with a 100% natural sleep enhancing elixir that makes you a better thriving man overnight.

I’ve only included the highest level ingredients to maximize testosterone, muscle, recovery, and focus while you sleep and for the entire day. The facts speak for themselves.

For all United States Orders:

1. Shipping will be through USPS.

2. Unit(s) will be shipped within 24 hours of order being placed, Monday through Friday.

3. Delivery will be 2-10 days (international orders may take longer).

Your order of PITCH BLACK is backed by my 365-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

Meaning if you don’t make noticeable gains or aren’t completely blown away by your results… I will refund every penny. Even if the bottle is empty.

All you have to do is contact my customer service team and ask for a refund. You will then send the rest of your unopened bottles back to our fulfillment company. Once they've received your return, I will promptly issue you a full refund.

Note: You will be responsible for covering the cost of the return shipping, unless the product is defective.

You should pay more because PITCH BLACK isn’t an average sleep supplement that give you a measly 30 minutes of extra sleep at night…

Not only does PITCH BLACK drastically improve sleep quality, but it also replaces catabolic sleep with anabolic sleep—so you’ll perform better in every area of life throughout the livelong day.

Because of this, the price isn’t an issue for PITCH BLACK. But don’t take my word for it—compare my formula with any other sleep aid on the market. PITCH BLACK is the only 100% natural testosterone-boosting sleep aid available.

There’s no way I’d sacrifice my own reputation—and your results—by cutting corners.

PITCH BLACK is worth every penny, and when you try it yourself, you’ll be blown away by your results. I guarantee it.

Absolutely NOT. I’ve disclosed every ingredient used to create PITCH BLACK in this letter. Also, I use complete label transparency. Every ingredient is on the clearly displayed label and in its exact dosages for the promised results on this page.

When I say no other sleep supplement compares, I mean it. If one did, I wouldn’t have invested countless hours, money and time to create this formula. I started this journey just trying to recover my lost libido, muscle, strength and energy. And when I experienced just how powerful this combination of ingredients were, I had to share it.

I’ve gone to great lengths to ensure you get the absolute best bang for your buck. Which is why I’m confident you’ll experience unbeatable results.

This all-in-one natural sleep supplement combines only the most effective ingredients backed by a proven track record, both in scientific literature and in the trenches.

I know you’re serious about results like me… which is why I’ve gone above and beyond to make this the highest-quality anabolic sleep aid you get your hands on.

Yes. All you have to do is take on dose each night before bed and you’ll be good as gold. No nasty side-effects. No risk. Just a proven dose that’ll help your body perform better.

To get your hands on a bottle of the finest anabolic sleep formula, click the button below.

You’ll then be taken to a secure checkout page where you’ll choose the total number of bottles you’d like. Simply choose the best bundle for you, enter your information, hit submit, and your order of PITCH BLACK will arrive to your front door in just a few days.

As you’ve seen, poor sleep—resulting in low testosterone, lack of motivation and muscle loss—is a serious epidemic among men around the world. And it’s been scientifically shown as impossible to perform at your peak without anabolic sleep. You have an opportunity now that most men would crawl over broken glass for… to get their hands on the very first and only natural sleep testosterone booster of its kind.

PITCH BLACK will give you every ounce of lost testosterone back (and probably more). So you can live the life you were meant to live as a man…

Please—don’t miss this one-time opportunity to reclaim and protect your manhood. (And make sure it sticks around for the long haul). This investment is pennies compared to everything else on the market. And the benefits are truly priceless… Don’t wait another moment.

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The website's content and the product for sale is based upon the author's opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank's sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

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Muscle Monsters – Muscle Monsters is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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