MaterialPro – Material Design Bootstrap 5 Admin Template

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Material Pro

MaterialPro Admin is a popular open source WebApp template for admin dashboards and control admin panels. Monster is fully responsive HTML template, based on the CSS framework Bootstrap 5 Stable. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for backend applications. MaterialPro Admin is based on a modular design, which allows it to be easily customised and built upon.


5+ Different Dashboards
6 Different Demos
MaterialPro Admin MiniSidebar Demo Version (New)
RTL Demo Version (New)
Bootstrap 5 Stable
12 Color Skins
Clean and Creative Landing Page Included (Free $12)
Data Table Export to CSV, Excel, PDF, Copy and Print
Main PSD Files Included (Free $12)
Range Slider
Light and Dark Color Schemes
Light/Dark Sidebar Themes
700+ pages
500+ Ui Components
RTL Support
Lots of widgets
Bootstrap 4x
3000+ Fonts Icons
Fully Responsive pages
Easy to customize
Many Charts Options
Multi File upload
Lots of Table Examples
Validation Forms

Lots of ready to use plugins.

  • Main Menu
  • Dashboard 4
    • Dashboard 1
    • Dashboard 2
    • Dashboard 3
  • Applications
    • Chat Application (New)
    • Mail box
    • Inbox detail
    • Compose mail
    • Contact / Employee Listing (New)
    • Contact / Employee Listing Variation (New)
    • Contact / Employee Details (New)
  • UI Elements 13
    • Panels and Wells
    • Panel with blockUI (New)
    • Buttons
    • Sweat alert
    • Typography
    • Grid
    • Tabs
    • User Cards (New)
    • Modals
    • Progress Bars
    • Notifications
    • Carousel
    • List & Media object (New)
    • Timeline
    • Horizontal Timeline (New)
    • Nesteble
    • Range Slider (New)
    • Bootstrap UI
  • Forms
    • Basic Forms
    • Form Layout
    • Form Addons
    • Form Material
    • Form with Float input (New)
    • File Upload
    • Form Mask
    • Form Validation
    • File Dropzone
    • Form-pickers
    • Image cropping (New)
    • Form-wizards
    • Typehead (New)
    • X-editable
    • Summernote (New)
    • Bootstrap wysihtml5
    • Tinymce wysihtml5
  • Proffessional
  • Sample Pages 15
    • Starter Page (New)
    • Blank Page
    • Lightbox Popup (New)
    • Treeview (New)
    • Search Result (New)
    • Utility Classes (New)
    • Custom Scroll (New)
    • Login Page
    • Login page v2 (New)
    • Animations (New)
    • Profile
    • Invoice
    • FAQ
    • Gallery
    • Pricing
    • Register
    • Register V2 (New)
    • Recover Password
    • Lock Screen
    • Error 400
    • Error 403
    • Error 404
    • Error 500
    • Error 503
  • Charts
    • Flot Charts
    • Morris Chart
    • Chart-js
    • Peity Charts
    • Sparkline charts
    • Knob charts (New)
    • Extra Charts
  • Tables 7
    • Basic Tables
    • Table layouts (New)
    • Data Table
    • Bootstrap Tables
    • Responsive Tables
    • Editable Tables
    • FooTables
    • JsGrid Tables
  • Widgets
  • Icons
    • Font awesome
    • Themify Icons
    • Simple line Icons
    • Linea Icons
    • Weather Icons
  • Google Map
  • Vector Map
  • Calendar
  • Multi-Level Dropdown
    • Second Level Item
    • Second Level Item
    • Third Level
      • Third Level Item
      • Third Level Item
      • Third Level Item
      • Third Level Item
  • Log out
  • Support
  • Documentation
  • Gallery
  • Faqs



20th July 2021 – v2

- Updated Bootstrap version 5
- added accordian page 
- added badge page
- added widget feed page
- added apexchart page
- change charts with apexchart in all dashboards
- updated notification page
- updated button page
- updated dropdown page
- updated modal page
- updated tab page
- updated pagination page
- updated typography page
- updated breadcrumb page
- updated list page
- updated grid page
- updated carousel page
- updated scrollspy page
- updated toast page
- updated basic card page , added new card designs
- updated custom card page , added new card designs
- updated app widget, data widget and chart widget pages
- updated all form pages
- updated all table pages
- change card default style
- change inner button style
- updated ecommerce pages
- added authentication login 3 page
- change icon pages style
- remove custom margin-padding class and added default bootstrap margin-padding class
- added dropdown animation in header
- change checkbox and radio button style
- change feather icons in header and customizer

Version 4.6 (21st November, 2019)

  • Remove custom margin-padding class replace it with the bootstrap default clasess
  • Remove extra button classes and label classes
  • Added more examples in modal page html
  • In RTL demo, fix the input groups radius issue.

Version 4.4 (7th Nov, 2019)
Updated docs and solved dark version bug.

Version 4.4 (1st May, 2019)

  • nouislider updated to 13.1.4 Version
  • raty-js updated to 2.9.0 Version
  • bootstrap-colorpicker updated to 3.1.1 Version
  • bootstrap-table – Added SOME EXTRA TABLES
  • ckeditor updated to 4.11.3 Version
  • inputmask – Added 2 new features
  • masonry-layout updated to 4.2.2 Version
  • perfect-scrollbar updated to 1.4.0 Version
  • pickadate updated to 3.6.3 Version
  • raphael updated to 2.2.8 Version
  • summernote 0.8.11 Version
  • tablesaw updated to 3.1.2 Version

V 4.3 (8th January, 2019)

  • Updated to Bootstrap v4.2.1
  • Added form-bootstrap-validation Page
  • Added ui-spinner Page
  • Added ui-scrollspy Page
  • Added ui-toasts Page
  • Updated ui-bootstrap – Range
  • Updated ui-modal – Extra Large modal Click on image, Scrolling long content, Vertically Center, Tooltips & Popovers, Modal with Grid,
  • Updated ui-buttons – Different Menu Content, Button Toolbar with Input Group, Toggle States [Button Plugin], Checkbox buttons with Click[Checked] event, Radio buttons with Click[Checked] event
  • Updated ui-list-media – JavaScript behavior
  • Updated ui-carousel – With Individual Interval
  • Updated ui-grid – Gutters, Order classes, Offsetting columns, Nesting
  • Updated form-basic – Custom File Uploads with different languages,

V 4.2 (13th July, 2018)

  • [updated] bootstrap-select.min.js – to v1.13.1
  • [updated] fontawesome-all.min.css – to the leatest version
  • [updated] cropper.min.js – to v4.0.0
  • [updated] typeahead.jquery.min.js – to v0.11.1
  • [updated] bootstrap-editable.min.js – to v1.5.1
  • [updated] summernote-bs4.min.js – to v0.8.10
  • [updated] tinymce.min.js – to v4.7.11
  • [updated] datatables.min.js – to v1.10.18
  • [updated] footable.min.js – to v3.1.5
  • [updated] jquery.inputmask.bundle.js – to v3.3.11
  • [updated] bootstrap-tagsinput.min.js – to v0.6.1
  • [updated] bootstrap-datepicker.min.js – to v1.8.0
  • [updated] jquery.bootstrap-touchspin.min.js – to v4.2.5
  • [updated] jquery.multi-select.js – to v0.9.12
  • [updated] daterangepicker.js – to v3.0.3
  • [updated] moment.js – to v2.22.2
  • [updated] bootstrap-timepicker.min.js – to v0.5.2
  • [updated] jquery-clockpicker.min.js – to v0.0.7
  • [updated] jquery-asColorPicker.min.js – to v0.4.4
  • [updated] jquery-asGradient.min.js – to 0.3.2
  • [updated] dropify.min.js – to v0.2.1
  • [updated] ion.rangeSlider.min.js – to v2.1.6
  • [updated] jsgrid.min.js – to v1.5.3
  • [updated] tablesaw.jquery.js – to v3.0.9
  • [updated] jquery.dataTables.js – to v1.10.13
  • [updated] bootstrap-treeview.min.js – to v1.2.0
  • [updated] jquery.magnific-popup.min.js – to v1.1.0
  • [updated] morris.min.js – to v0.5.0
  • [updated] chartist.min.js – to v0.11.0
  • [updated] jquery.sparkline.min.js – to v2.1.2
  • [updated] jquery.peity.min.js – to v3.3.0
  • [updated] select2.full.min.js – to v4.0.6 rc-1
  • [updated] sweetalert.min.js – to v7.25.0
  • [updated] jquery.flot.js – to v0.8.3
  • [updated] Chart.min.js – to v2.7.2

Version 4.1 (10th February, 2018)

  • Updated to Bootstrap 4 Stable Version
  • Fixed Tooltip Issue
  • Fixed Calendar Issue

Version 3.1.1 (18th November, 2017)

  • Minor Bug Fixes in Angular 5 Starter Kit

Version 3.1 (17th November, 2017)

  • Updated Angular 4 cli to Version 5
  • Updated Documentation with more third-party plugin's docs Links
  • In table-bootstrap.html page, Sortable Table Dropdown's display issue – Resolved
  • In sidebar, white background on active anchor tag is corrected.

Version 2.2.1 (15th Spet, 2017)

  • Added Form warning, error and success classes
  • In custom js Card block replaced to card-body
  • Table contextual classes added
  • Calendar CSS Fixed
  • Align more tag in inbox page

Version 2.2 (19th Aug, 2017)

  • Bug resolved in email page button down
  • Bug resolved of Landing Page main banner image overlapping in Safari
  • Bug resolved of Landing Page dropdown menu not clickable
  • Bug resolved of Left sidebar menu (icon and text) alignment

Version 2.1 (15th Aug, 2017)

  • Updated to Bootsrap 4 Beta

Version 1.4 (24th July, 2017)

  • Updated Angular Version
  • Some Minor Bug Fixing

Version 1.3 (12th July, 2017)

  • Added PSD Files for Dashboards

Version 1.2 (16th June, 2017)

  • Added Horizontal Demo Dark Version
  • Resolved Spacing issue in Horizontal Version
  • Resolved Sub-Menu issue in Horizontal Version

Change Log

5 March 2020 – v4.7

       1. add ready to working application
        - Chat
        - Contact
        - Invoice
        - Notes
        - Todo

    2. In Horizontal,
        - change sidebar menu color darken
        - give proper height to the pages dropdown 


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