Maro Phpotographer CMS
Note: Before buying make sure your server and php version are matching with the system requirements. Read the requirements carefully or You can ask support
About Maro Photographer CMS
Maro Photographer is specially script for Photographers, Photography studio or any one who want to showcase photos or
any portfolio in style. we spent good time to produce photography cms to build your awesome website This CMS Includes almost everything you need to find the right Photographer.
The CMS is fully responsive for any device. Admin can manage complete website without single line of coding knowledge.
- Totally secured system (SQL injection, XSS, CSRF)
- Login System, Admin control panel system with full options
- Easy to install and usability(without any coding knowledge needed).
- Flexible and easy Control Panel to mange the website.
- Friendly with SEO for website, blog and albums.
- Awesome Design for Website and admin panel
- Fully Responsive for Website and admin panel
- Clean Code with hight performance.
- Easy Customization
- Comments, share and react on Session gallery and blog posts using Disqus.
- Trendy website interface included.
- Home page with dynamic slider images.
- About photographer page with more details
- Sessions Page include awesome gallery of All sessions with sessions category filter
- Session Album Page include featured image, video, session images, description, number of album views and more features..
- Blog posts page filtered with blog category
- Sessions Price Package, Any user can reserve with you easily.
- Contact form to make your client reach you easily.
- Admin(You)mange:
- website settings(Logo, Favicon, Website Description, Personal contact information, Social media links)
- Manage Search Engine optimization tools for meta description and meta keywords
- Dashboard Analytics has summery of everything happen ( count of views and visitors, latest blog posts added, latest sessions added, count number for all sessions and images and blog posts with its categories).
- About Photographer Details with many features
- Sliders and its Content
- Package prices for sessions with adding discounts and currency options
- unlimited Blog categories
- Unlimited Blog posts
- Unlimited Sessions Categories
- Unlimited Sessions Albums with full options(SEO options, number of views, featured image, video, multi uploading images, description, and more..)
- more amazing features is coming up.
Access Information
Website URL: http://elmanawy.info/demo/marophotographer
Admin Panel URL: http://elmanawy.info/demo/marophotographer/admin
Email: [email protected]
Password: 123456
- Backend Framework: Built on CodeIgniter version 3
- Frontend Framework: Built on Bootstrap 4
- Requires PHP 5.6 to 7.2
- Supports MySQL, Mysqli.
- Supports SMTP Email, PHP Mail()
You will need the following softwares to customize this template.
1- Code Editing Software (eg: Netbeans, Sublime Text or Notepad).
2- Web Browser for testing (eg: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox).
3- FTP Tool to upload files to Server (eg: FileZilla).
Change Log
Version 3.2:
- Adding number of views for clog post. - Adding more fields for about me module like(#clients, #meetings, sessions,..). - Create testimonials modules.
Version 3.1:
- Comments, share and react on Session gallery and blog posts using disqus.
Version 3.0:
- Ux Update. - Admin upload multi images for session gallery in one time and can sort it. - better performance.
Version 2.2:
- Adding discount and currency option for sessions prices.
Version 2.1:
- Adding Packages prices for sessions.
Version 2.0:
- Fixing Bug. - Adding Blog categories with its posts.
Version 1.0:
- Initial version.
If you have any questions and suggestions feel free to contact us at [email protected]
Free installation , just contact us at [email protected] with your purchase no.
if you need any modifications just contact support at [email protected]
Best Regards, Marwa El-Manawy