Mantos – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

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Mantos is a bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template built with Twitter Bootstrap 4 Framework and it has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with jQuery plugins also.

It is also easy to use and modify that is suitable to your needs and can be implemented to your desire projects such Project Management System, CRM, HRMS, Real Estate, Ecommerce, Loan Management System, Billing Management System and more.

Mantos - Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template - 1


  • Bootstrap 4
  • 40+ Re-usable Widget
  • UI components
  • Mail pages
  • E-commerce pages
  • Google and vector maps
  • Font awesome icons
  • Blog pages
  • Light box gallery
  • Easy to use
  • Developers friendly code
  • Documentation included
  • 2000+ Icon fonts
  • Google fonts
  • Chat page
  • Calendar
  • And much more…


  • Dashboard
    • Dashboard V.1
  • Widgets
  • Mailbox
    • Inbox
    • Email view
    • Compose email
  •  Graphs 6
    • Flot charts
    • Morris.js
    • Chart.js
    • Chartist
    • Sparkline
    • PIE Chart
  •  Forms 11
    • Basic form
    • Advanced form
    • Wizard form
    • Masked form
    • File upload
    • File Dropzone
    • Text editor
    • Inline edit
    • Form Validation
    • Tinymce Editor
    • WYSIHTML5 Editor
  •  Other Pages 8
    • Lockscreen
    • Login
    • Register
    • 404 Page
    • Empty page
    • gallery
    • Price tables
    • Contact Page
  •  E-commerce
    • orders
    • order View
    • Products
  •  Icons
    • Icons
    • Weather Icons
    • Themify Icons
    • Linea Arrows Icons
    • Linea Basic Icons
    • Linea Basic Elaboration Icons
    • Linea Ecommerce Icons
  •  UI Elements 16
    • Typography
    • Buttons
    • Video
    • Panels
    • Tabs
    • Chat
    • Alert & notifications
    • Tree View
    • Time Line
    • Progress Bar
    • OWL Carousel
    • Range Slider
    • Tooltip
    • Alert Popup
    • Accordion
    • Modals Popup
    • Toastr Alert
  •  Grid options
  •  Tables 5
    • Static Tables
    • Data Tables
    • Editable Tables
    • JSGrid Tables
  •  Users
    • profile
    • User list
  •  maps
    • Google maps
    • Vector Maps
  •  Blog
    • Blog list
    • Blog post
  •  Calendar
  •  Menu Levels
    • Third Level
      • Third Level Item
    • Second Level Item

Note: Images Used in demo are not included with downloads.


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