LuckyCoupon – Laravel Coupon CMS

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LuckyCoupon cms is a powerfull php script with modern design, smart functionalities. It's a perfect for peapole who want to start new coupon website. No need to programming and technical skills requred. Just setup a luckycoupon theme and live it. You
can run your business worldwide or own country.

This system was made using the popular Laravel php framework. Strong security was maintained during the development and there is no sql injection, xss attack, csrf attack possible.

Key Features

  • Laravel 8 is used as language
  • Bootstrap 4.5 is used in design
  • User friendly codes and easy to navigate
  • Eye-catching and fully responsive design
  • Strong security of codes
  • Search coupon by category, store or custom name
  • Subscription verify with email
  • Google analytics
  • Facebook pixel
  • Google reCaptcha
  • Coupon wishlist
  • Store wishlist
  • Maintainance module
  • RTL Supported
  • Tawk live chat
  • Dynamic language option
  • Dynamic Color change option
  • Social Login option
  • SEO management
  • Coupon Bulk Import
  • Vote Coupon
  • Ads management

Admin Features

  • 100% secure admin panel
  • Category management
  • Store management
  • Coupon management
  • Coupon vote management
  • Store review management
  • Advertisement management
  • User management
  • Admin management
  • SEO Settings for all pages
  • Slider management
  • Home page management
  • Home page visibility management
  • Menu visibility management
  • Maintainace mode management
  • SMTP server mail
  • Email configuration and template setting
  • Cookie Consent option
  • Google Recaptcha option
  • Google Analytic option
  • Tawk Live Chat option
  • Facebook pixel option
  • Login with social media(facebook,gmail)
  • Manage HTTP request Error Page
  • General Setting management
  • Dynamic Pagination option
  • Multi admin creation possible
  • All Banner images change option
  • Clear database option to start the website as fresh installation
  • Manage Theme Color
  • About Page management
  • Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy Page management
  • Custom dynamic pages create, edit and delete option
  • Language change option
  • RTL Support
  • Subscriber manage with email to subscribers option
  • Profile information, photo, password change option
  • Forget and reset password option
  • Blog Category create, edit and delete option
  • Blog create, edit and delete option
  • Manage Blog Comments
  • Contact message management
  • And more…

User Features

  • 100% responsive design
  • Login with facebook and google
  • User registration system with email verification
  • User Login, forget and reset password option
  • Profile information, photo, password change option
  • Coupon wishlist management
  • Store wishlist management
  • Coupon vote module
  • Social Media share option for blog post and coupon
  • RTL Support


  • PHP >= 7.3
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension


Front End:
Admin Panel:
Admin Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234
User Panel:
User Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234


Version: 1.1 (June 8, 2022)

Added Some new features
Fixed sticky bar issue.

Initial Release.



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