JustFans – Premium Content Creators SaaS platform

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Deal Score0


JustFans – Premium Content Creators SaaS is a fully-featured PHP platform that allows you to start your own premium content-based social media platform in no time.

The experience is powered by a mobile-first, clean and easy-to-use design, with Dark and Light mode themes, RTL, and localization capabilities. It allows your creators to sell their premium content via monthly subscriptions, offers, bundles, tips, and pay-to-unlock posts.

Give it a try

Demo URL: justfans.qdev.tech
Admin URL: justfans.qdev.tech/admin
Documentation: justfans.qdev.tech/docs
Credentials are pre-filled – Admin features partially disabled
Demo video: Link

JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform - 1
JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform - 2
JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform - 3
JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform - 4

Main Features

• Advanced posts creation module

  1. Multiple file upload
  2. Chunked files uploads
  3. Uploaded file previews
  4. Post draft save
  5. Video conversion via FFmpeg – fallback to mp4 only uploads
  6. Watermarking for images & videos
  7. Posts notifications
  8. Posts scheduling (Release&Delete dates)
  9. AI-based post descripton suggestions

• Advanced feed module

  1. Bidirectional feed module with swipeable gallery and full-screen view
  2. Media galleries with support for audio, video and image files
  3. Post comments, reactions & comments reactions
  4. Profile pinned posts

• Search module (Posts & Users search, Top, Latest, Photo, Video filters)
• Multiple payments providers & ways of monetizing content

  1. Stripe & Paypal payment processors
  2. CCBill payment processor, for adult content payments
  3. Coinbase & NowPayments processors for crypto payments
  4. Paystack (for deposits, tips and unlocks only)
  5. Offline Payments
  6. Monthly/Biannual/Annual subscriptions
  7. Time limited user subscriptions offers
  8. Post & User tips
  9. Pay to unlock posts
  10. Ad spots
  11. Free profiles (Open for registered users)
  12. Open profiles (Open for everyone)

• Live streaming

  1. RTMP Ingestion – OBS or alternative required for creators
  2. HLS Output with Adaptive Bitrate
  3. Private/Public streams
  4. Pay per view & Subscription locked streams
  5. Live stream chat & Live viewers counter
  6. Stream VODs

• Multiple storage drivers supported

  1. Locally hosted files
  2. AWS S3 stored files (CDN & Presigned URLs support)
  3. Wasabi stored files
  4. DigitalOcean spaces stored files
  5. Minio storage
  6. PushrCDN storage

• User messenger

  1. Live messenger and notifications
  2. Audio,Video and Photo attachments
  3. Paid messages
  4. Mass messages
  5. Pusher & Soketi websockets drivers

• User notifications (Email & on site, live notifications)
• User bookmarks (Allow users to save content for later)
• User lists (Allow users to store users into custom lists)
• Multiple emailing drivers (Log/Mailgun/SMTP)
• Ability to enforce creator's identity verification
• Ability to disable right-clicking on user posts
• Printable invoices for each transaction

• User settings

  1. Profile settings (username, name, bio, birthdate, location, website)
  2. Account (Reset password)
  3. Wallet settings (Deposit & Withdraw)
  4. Payments settings (View transactions data and invoices)
  5. Rates settings (General price, bundles and offers)
  6. Subscriptions settings (View and manage subscriptions)
  7. Notifications settings
  8. Privacy settings (Set your profile to public or private)
  9. Verify identiy settings

• Fluent, mobile-first design (PWA App included)
• Light & Dark Themes
• Easy to rebrand via custom themes generator
• RTL/LTR & Translatable ready
• Advanced admin panel (Over 100 different settings)
• Strong SEO practices (Sitemap, schema.org, Social media meta)
• GDPR, Cookies policy banner, NSFW content consent dialog
• Unique, hand-drawn vector illustrations
• Social logins (Facebook, Twitter & Google)
• Email-based 2FA logins
• GEO-blocking capabilities
• Email deliverability check on register
• reCAPTCHA integration for public forms
• Referral system
• OpenAI-based suggestion for new post and profile pages
• And so much more..

Techs behind it
  • Backend powered by Laravel
  • Frontend powered by Bootstrap & jQuery
  • Aditional 3rd party backend and frontend drivers

View the full list of requirements over this documentation section.


[8/11/2023] v6.4.0

* Added pinned posts feature - creators can now pin a single post on the top of their profiles
* Added new storage solution based on pushrCDN
* Added ability to select all followers/fans when creating a new messenger conversation
* Added a new admin setting, allowing to skip browser locale check in favor of the site's primary language
* Added a new admin option to "Auto-follow the user that has referred the newly register account" 
* Added a new `Hidden` flag over the Admin taxes area, now allowing to have certain taxes hidden from the payment form
* Added pdf & excel files upload support for the ID-verify area
* Added notes on supported files to upload over the ID-verify & Wallet deposit areas
* Added attachment preview field when browsing attachments over the admin panel
* Enhanced offline payments module, added 'Offline payments details box', 'Make the notes field mandatory' & 'Minimum file attachments required' options, facilitating the use of manual, custom offline payment alternatives
* Improved the way assets of ID verify & (manual) Payment deposit requests are shown in the admin panel
* Improved the video uploading state when conversion is taking place for non-playable videos
* Removed Block/Report/Unfollow actions from post-box when browsing own profile
* Fixed a bug where the "Hide links from profile" admin option would get inversed 
* Fixed a CCBill payment provider issue, happening on some environments, causing subscriptions to stay on pending status
* Fixed a bug when social media login/registers made on the profile page, would have redirected to the feed after logging in
* Fixed an issue where creators wouldn't be able to preview the post page for non-released/non-approved/expired posts
* Fixed an admin dashboard bug, where the Earnings & Payments stats boxes were including the deposits & withdrawals
* Fixed a bug where blocked users would still have been able to post comments on the creator's content
* Fixed some dark mode inconsistencies related to the profile markdown editor
* Fixed an admin wallets issue when creating new wallet entries
* Fixed Notifications' area "X time before" label to "X time ago" 
* Small translation strings-related improvements
* Other small fixes and improvements
* Small documentation-related updates

[7/7/2023] v6.3.1

* Fixed an issue where withdrawal confirmation emails wouldn't calculate the sum correctly
* Fixed an issue where admins would see all posts marked as pending when browsing feeds
* Other small documentation-related updates

[7/3/2023] v6.3.0

* Added a "Followers" list so users can preview the profiles following them, over the users lists module
* Added an admin option that can disable showing the user's website link on the profile page
* Added an admin "Enable post description excerpts" over the "Feed" settings
* Added an admin option to "Hide non-ID-verified users from the search page" 
* Added an admin option to enforce ID-check over the referral system,
* Added an admin "Streams" category, so streams and stream messages can be managed
* Added an admin "Referrals" category over the "Money" section, where admins can manage the referral entries
* Updated the admin file manager to only allow image, audio, and video type upload, avoiding potential security risks
* Fixed a scheduled posts bug when they would appear in the latest media widget and counted in the media total numbers
* Fixed an admin panel issue when saving a user, his avatar/cover paths would get broken
* Fixed a few admin-related UI bugs and other adjustments
* Fixed missing video thumbnails for ios devices
* Small translation strings improvements and fixes
* Other small bugfixes and tweaks

[6/13/2023] v6.2.1

* Updated the post like event icon & removed the post-reaction toast dialog confirmation
* Fixed a scheduled post access error when visiting from un-registered accounts
* Fixed a user lists UI bug, when no profiles are available within a list, after deleting entries
* Fixed a small UI bug on the new message input, over the messenger area, on mobile devices

[6/10/2023] v6.2.0

* Added mass messaging feature within user messenger, users can now send the same message to multiple users
* Added post-scheduling features - Release & Expire date, can be turned on or off from the admin panel
* Added "Max height post box media preview" option, locking and cropping feed posts to enforce height dimensions
* Added a new PPV content unlock notification, which can be disabled within the User notifications panel
* Added  a new email stream start email notification, which can be enabled within the User notifications panel
* Added a warning over admin dashboard page, if PHP's pdo_mysql extension is not using the mandatory mysqlnd driver
* Added "CCBill skip subaccount from cancellations" admin option, for rare CCBill accounts that requires this setting
* Added DB events for user and subscription delete, so their recurring subscriptions will be canceled as well
* Added a 6-hour user messenger email notifications throttle to avoid email spam
* Updated the User payments area, allowing people to only see invoices for approved transactions
* Fixed the auto-ordering of the latest messages within contact lists when sending/receiving a message
* Fixed the user messenger UI state when deleting the last message out of a conversation
* Fixed a user messenger bug, showing invalid contacts when creating a new conversation
* Fixed a messenger bug, where invalid contacts were shown, due to expired sub/follow relation
* Fixed an invoice bug related to the transaction type field
* Fixed an Admin > Invoices > View button link bug, sending to same invoice id
* Fixed a user profiles geo-blocking access bug
* Fixed a feed's bug where tooltips wouldn't get shown for new pages
* Fixed a user settings bug, when using markdown for the profile bio page, on some mobile devices
* Fixed the RTL issues over the admin panel side
* Multiple translation strings improvements and fixes
* Other small fixes and improvements

[4/30/2023] v6.1.0

* Added OpenAI-based suggestions for post creation and profile bio. Can be enabled from the admin panel.
* Added a new email deliverability enforcement admin setting, via Abstract API
* Added a new "New content from people you follow" notification
  - Users can choose whether they get this kind of notification(s) or not 
  - Creators can choose whether they send notifications on each individual post create
  - Admins can turn this option on or off entirely from the admin panel
* Added an Admin > Settings > Site option to set the default `og:image` asset
* Split the user's "Subscribers" area into "Subscribed" & "Subscriptions"- so users manage both their subs and subscribed fans
* Re-categorized & re-ordered the Admin Settings, added a new `Profiles` category & moved related settings into it
* Updated the Admin > Payments > Subscriptions & Transactions tables prefilled their status, type & provider fields
* Re-designed the social login buttons to stand in line with Google's branding guides
* Made the sidebar "Fans" count represent the number of followers instead of subscribers
* Fixed an access issue over the subscription canceling endpoint
* Fixed a global RTL bug, when RTL was enforced by default, via the admin panel
* Fixed a UI bug with the emoji picker button on the mobile RTL version
* Fixed a user offers-related bug when using empty values for 3/6/12 months subs, while under active offer
* Fixed a small mobile UI bug over the post-create page, related to its action buttons
* Fixed a small bug with CCBIll's prefilled payment form, on the country field
* Fixed a missing redirect on the email verification page, if the user is already verified
* Fixed a navigation buttons issue on mobile devices, when a big number of pages were available
* Fixed mobile version UI issues with user subscriptions table
* Other small UI&UX tweaks and improvements
* Documentation updates

[4/13/2023] v6.0.0

* Added post comments delete ability, so users can delete their own comments
* Added an `Explore` link over the side menu, for unregistered users, sending it to the search page
* Added an `Admin > Settings > Storage` fail-safe mechanism, if an invalid storage config is set, the local driver gets restored
* Added an `Admin > Settings > Emails` fail-safe mechanism, if an invalid email config is set, the local driver gets restored
* Made the `User > Settings > Rates` apply the admin-enforced min-max subs constraints if the non-empty value is provided
* Increased (posts) images re-encoding quality to max (jpeg) quality by default, during upload
* Removed admins from the featured creators list on the homepage, when no featured users are set from the admin 
* Replaced the messenger in-browser alert with regular UI dialog when confirming message deletion
* Fixed a messenger bug where new conversations would not be created in real-time for the receiving user
* Fixed a messenger bug, not showing the error message to blocked persons, when using the new message dialog
* Fixed a messenger contacts bug, where the message timestamp would not be shown for all contacts
* Multiple `New message` dialog fixes, including UI tweaks, users search bug & added loading state on the send button
* Fixed a bug related to tooltips not being initiated for post comments
* Other small UI & UX tweaks, improvements, and bugfixes
* Documentation updates

[3/28/2023] v5.9.0

* Added new Admin > Settings > Feed > Hide users suggestion slider option
* Added new Admin > Settings > Site > Hide identity checks menu option
* Added the ID-verified badge over posts comments & users search area
* Fixed a renewal transactions bug where credit was not added to the user's wallet
* Updated the Users > Payments "Amount" column to include taxes only for payments sent
* Fixed an Admin > Withdrawal request delete notification bug
* Fixed an Admin > Invoices issue, where the table was not filtrable
* Made the Admin > Payments > Cronjobs hint dialog auto-hide if CJs are setup
* Included withdrawal taxes for the withdrawals email notifications
* Updated the Admin > Transactions table fields, for easier data search
* Re-ordered the Admin > Settings > Site settings, for a more logical approach
* Removed individual Paypal & Stripe wallet balance count from Admin > Users > Wallets
* Small SEO improvements, added canonical links on profile filters (images/videos/streams)
* Other small fixes and improvements

Release notes

 User wallets will be re-created based on their transaction history. Any user credit provided manually by admins, which hasn't been spent, will be lost.

[3/11/2023] v5.8.0

* Added "How to" instructions over the stream info dialog, now for both mobile and desktop streaming
* Added "Admin > Settings > Media > FFmpeg on/off" switch, allowing disabling it while keeping the paths
* Added "Admin > Settings > Admin > Admin notifications for contact messages" option
* Added loading state on the withdrawal requests button
* Added loading state on the stream create & stream end buttons
* Added "Paid" label indicator on locked posts for creators, when browsing their own feeds
* Fixed missing og:meta tags for Facebook & Twitter share cards, for certain public pages
* Fixed the homepage schema org definition and missing alt attributes for images
* Fixed a bug related to bubble notifications not being shown on certain pages
* Fixed a bug related to messenger and notifications access for blocked contacts
* Fixed an issue related to 3/6/12 months subscriptions, happening on some server environments
* Fixed an issue related to CCBill recurring hooks, happening on rare server environments
* Fixed a small issue with the stream unlock illustration on Firefox
* Fixed a set of small issues related to the geoblocking countries field, when on the dark mode theme
* Fixed a translations bug over the profile page > lists management dialog box
* Fixed a bug related to bundle subscriptions labels, happening on some server environments
* Fixed a small issue with the user profile setting's birthdate label
* Multiple translations strings-related improvements 
* Other small bugfixes and improvements
* Documentation improvements and fixes

[2/5/2023] v5.7.0

* Added OXXO payments with stripe, which can be enabled from the admin panel
* Added min & max PPV content (posts, messages, streams) price limit admin options 
* Added admin social media link for Reddit, so it can be enabled in the footer
* Improved validation for the PPV content price fields & streams creation page
* Fixed the live users counter label for streams while running on socketi websockets
* Fixed an access issue when browsing content via the Search > Top posts filter
* Fixed a withdrawal requests removal error, occurring on rare server environments
* Fixed a JS breaking issue, occurring on rare server environments
* Translation strings improvements
* Other small fixes and improvements

[1/20/2023] v5.6.0

* Added a new `Required number of posts to be able to receive payments` compliance option
* Added `Monthly posts required to keep account active` compliance option
* Added `Disable creators' ability to delete purchased PPV content` compliance option
* Added Admin pre-approved posts limit feature
* Added `Expires at` column over the User subscriptions tab
* Fixed a bug where accounts registered with social logins wouldn't get the default email verify
* Fixed a hardcoded  checkout label value for stripe payments
* Fixed the cookie compliance box bug, where the admin setting was ignored
* Fixed a bug when saving empty profile BIOs using markdown, which would return an error
* Fixed a bug where 6 and 12 months subs could not be set to empty values
* Fixed a logo width bug for the generic email template
* Fixed a messenger bug where `New comments received` notifications were not sent
* Fixed a messenger access bug for conversations between two free/open profiles sharing having a follow relation
* Fixed an issue related to broken media links over the admin panel while using Minio storage
* Multiple translation strings improvements
* Other small bugfixes and tweaks

[12/22/2022] v5.5.0

* Added markdown support for profile bios with the following main features and options
    - Enable/disable profile bio markdown
    - Allow/disallow hyperlinks
    - Disable profile bio field excerpt 
    - Allows italic, bold, code, quotes, lists, links, and newlines
* Added Soketi WebSockets driver support, for self-hosted WebSockets abilities
* Added option for setting custom referral page to be copied by default (Profile/Register/Homepage)
* Added new libfdk_aac audio encoder option for FFmpeg 
* Added FFmpeg font path override option (via env file)
* Fixed messenger access issues for conversations between an admin and regular users
* Fixed a tips min-max constrain validation bug on the checkout dialog
* Fixed a small Admin > Settings > Info boxes links colors and locations issues
* Changed the default sort order by descending sign-up date on the users search page
* Removed extra formatting for the sidebar ad spot
* Multiple translation strings fixes and updates
* Other small bugfixes and improvements

[12/2/2022] v5.4.0

* Added a new Admin > Settings > Feed option "Use featured users for the suggestions list" 
* Fixed a paid messenger locked messages wallet bug
* Fixed multiple messenger-related access issues between paid profiles and open profiles
* Fixed a bug where the side menu notification badges would get incremented incorrectly 
* Fixed a feed post box tips label issue, where un-approved tips would get counted
* Small documentation updates

[12/1/2022] v5.3.0

* Added referral system with the following options:
- Referrals earning fee percentage
- Referrals months limit
- Referrals fee limit
* Added ability to automatically show public pages links in the footer, if selected, from the admin panel
* Added new option at Admin > Settings > Feed > Skip unverified profiles out of the suggestions list
* Added new option at  Admin > Settings > Site > Default wallet balance on user register
* Fixed a bug where payment-related notifications wouldn't include the taxes
* Fixed a messenger bug, when messages would be hidden for free/open profiles when contacted by a paid profile
* Fixed a currency code misusage on the profile page, when users were having active offers running
* Fixed a (compact) footer misalignment issue
* Fixed multiple admin-related UI & performance issues, updated payments webhooks details tips sections
* Other small bugfixes and improvements

[11/15/2022] v5.2.0

* Added a new storage driver - Minio, for self-hosted storage solutions
* Added a new cron task to handle the weekly cleanup of old draft attachments
* Updated the `Admin > Users` section, fixed the birthdate field default format when editing
* Fixed a messenger paid messages to access bug
* Fixed a bug related to the profile avatar and cover previews on the settings page
* Fixed a checkout initiate issue, happening on certain MySQL driver versions
* Documentation updates
* Other small bugfixes

[11/1/2022] v5.1.0

* Added Messenger paid messages feature - users are now able to send price-locked messages
* Added a Messenger dialog that informs users when attachments are still uploading while trying to send the message
* Added Messenger option for deleting own messages
* Added missing social login buttons on the profile page login dialog box, for unregistered users
* Other small bugfixes and improvements

[10/19/2022] v5.0.0

* Disabled subscription and tip buttons on the profile page, for unconfirmed email addresses, when the platform is running on enforced email validations mode
* Added admin option that's able to hide withdrawal area for non-ID checked profiles
* Added browser-based language check - if browser locale is available, that language will be used by default
* Added a message over messenger's "New message" dialog, when the user has no available profiles to send a new message to
* Added tooltips for messenger's bottom section button
* Added possibility of sending empty messages, with attachments only
* Fixed an XSS issue in the messenger area
* Fixed an issue related to CCBill renewal time periods
* Translation strings improvements and fixes
* Other small bugfixes and improvements

[10/1/2022] v4.9.0

* Added a new option for enforcing withdrawal fees, which can be set from admin and they will be shown over the user's withdrawals page
* Fixed search page issue, returning 500 error when no default filter was present
* FFmpeg tweaks, improving support for certain server environments
* Other small bugfixes

[9/27/2022] v4.8.0

* Added License key field to Admin > Settings > Security, for allowing easier license upgrades/downgrades
* Added custom error page, with custom illustration when profile access is restricted due to privacy or geoblocking
* Fixed an access bug related to post unlocks paid with local wallet currency
* Fixed a bug where creators wouldn't be able to see locked posts on the recent media profile widget
* Fixed a bug where the Suggestions slider was missing the navigation bullets on the feed page
* Fixed Admin > Settings validation over storage area, previously allowing submitting invalid configurations
* Fixed an issue related to broken S3 attachments, when served via CDN, happening on specific server environments
* Fixed an issue related to the user subscriptions table, showing a "Renews at" column for canceled subscriptions
* Fixed a bug over the admin settings area, when doing a ctrl/cmd+s would sometimes save settings two times
* Removed the "Trust all proxies for forwarded traffic" setting, and set it to on by default
* Translation strings improvements
* Small documentation updates
* Other bugfixes and tweaks

[9/14/2022] v4.7.0

* Added Paystack payment processor - available for one-time payments (deposits, tips, post unlocks)
* Added emoji picker dialog on the messenger module
* Updated Laravel version and other backend and frontend libraries
* Made the adult content consent dialog box blur the content behind it when shown
* Fixed a bug, now allowing creators to message their subscribers without subscribing back
* Fixed an issue where streams menu entry would get highlighted wrongly
* Multiple documentation-related updates
* Other internal related tweaks and fixes

[9/3/2022] v4.6.0

* Fixed a bug related to the cancellation of wallet-created subscriptions
* Fixed an alignment bug for feed redirects after new subscriptions are purchased
* Fixed a bug related to the messenger contacts column, which would not scroll when having multiple contacts
* Documentation updates

[8/21/2022] v4.5.0

* Added a new access level configuration for allowing creators to run their profiles in open mode - having their content unlocked by default for both registered and unregistered users. Setting can be turned on from the admin panel.
* Fixed an issue related to translation caching, showing incorrect translations for certain areas
* Fixed an issue related to gif files being turned to still images when previewed in the feeds
* Fixed a bug where, on the messenger page, additional notification message bubbles were sent for new messages
* Fixed an access issue where messenger conversations wouldn't show up for admins
* Fixed an admin bug, throwing a fatal error when trying to create a new subscription within the admin
* Fixed some inconsistencies related to cron logs
* Few translations strings-related improvements and updates
* Small documentation updates
* Other small bugfixes

[8/8/2022] v4.4.0

* Added the ability, as an admin to disable payment providers on checkout box or recurring payments
* Added Invoices tab on the Admin > Transactions menu, with the ability to preview user invoices 
* Added CCBill subscriptions cancellation feature
* Fixed a bug where on a new installation, the final redirect would send to localhost instead of the actual domain
* Fixed an issue where storage-related issues were not showing the failure message over the user verify the area
* Fixed simplified & traditional Chinese languages bug
* Fixed a bug where comments would overflow within its container
* Fixed an age verification consent box title alignment
* Multiple fixes and improvements over the invoice page
* Made verified badge follow primary color code
* Documentation updates
* Other small fixes and improvements

[7/23/2022] v4.3.1

* Added GEO-blocking capabilities over profiles, which can be set on or off at both user and admin level
* Added Telegram link field for footer social media channel links, used in footer sections
* Fixed a bug related to social media icons size within the footer sections
* Fixed a bug where certain attachments wouldn't get deleted on post deletion 
* Fixed a messenger-related bug, that would mess up messages order on certain server environments
* Fixed some messenger contacts access bugs for expired subscriptions and free follows, as well a bug with creating new chats
* Fixed an issue with the messages notification bubble, including the count of messages from users that are blocked
* Multiple database-related speed optimizations
* Updated a few internal libraries
* Other small bugfixes 
* Documentation updates

[7/18/2022] v4.2.0

* Fixed an issue with messenger default state when having no contacts
* Fixed messenger still showing up the conversation for users you don't have an active subscription for
* Fixed a bug when hitting the create stream button repeatedly would create duplicate streams
* Fixed a stream URL bug, when the stream name was using an exclusively emojis-based name 
* Fixed a bug where the stream tip button on mobile was hidden
* Fixed email button color when no theme was generated
* Fixed pusher settings order over admin panel
* Fixed an avatar width issue on the user subscriptions table
* Fixed a Post create page bug when ID check enforced, users would have still been able to upload assets
* Few translation strings improvements
* Documentation updates
* Other small bugfixes

[6/30/2022] v4.1.0

* Fixed a theme generator bug, where it wouldn't replace certain links colors
* Fixed and Admin > Theme generator bug, where  the (saved) gradient colors wouldn't be displayed back
* Fixed an email templates issue, where their buttons wouldn't respect the site's primary color
* Multiple translations strings related fixes
* Other small bugfixes

[6/27/2022] v4.0.0

* Multiple admin UI&UX fixes and improvements, including:
- Sidebar menu updates and improvements
- Settings area UI improvements
- General data tables UI improvements & inconsistencies fixes 
- Pages headers inconsistencies fixes 
- Fixed the "User reports" incorrect column mapping
* Improved the old & temporary files cleanup cronjob task, to avoid additional storage
* Fixed a bug where the 3 months subscription bundle was not calculating the final value over the profile page
* Other small bugfixes

[6/23/2022] v3.9.0

* Added new Admin > Settings > Security category, moved 2FA, SSL, reCAPTCHA settings into it
* Added new Admin > Settings > Security option dedicated to trusted proxies, when running under load balancers
* Added new Admin > Settings > Feed > Max minimum post description option. If set to 0, at least one attachment is required
* Added new Admin > Settings > Media option to allow setting maximum users avatar&cover assets file size
* Fixed a bug where the feed suggestion slider would show fewer profiles per card
* Fixed a user messenger contact header bug, showing incorrect user, happening on older MySQL versions
* Fixed a bug  when the admin panel and update page wouldn't be available when the site is under maintenance mode
* Fixed a few broken links over the admin panel
* Fixed and improved a few translation strings 
* Fixed a mobile issue related to the locked stream image
* Fixed a few iconography inconsistencies
* Increased 2FA token expiration date to 30 minutes
* Other small bugfixes and improvements

[6/12/2022] v3.8.0

* Added Google reCAPTCHA for public forms, optional from the admin panel
* Added list of un-verified devices to User > Privacy > 2FA devices
* Fixed a bug related to user rates offers
* Fixed a bug related to invalid user withdrawals requests
* Fixed bug related to an invalid link on the script update page
* Fixed a bug related to bad logo proportions on homepage layout
* Fixed a few RTL-related issues over the user lists & notifications pages
* Other small bugfixes and improvements
* Multiple documentation updates

[6/4/2022] v3.7.0

* Added admin option of setting min-max subscription rates for creators
* Added admin option of setting predefined audio encoders for FFmpeg
* Made user notifications page have links to different notifications, like post comments or likes
* Fixed a few validation issues over the checkout box, causing failures without any errors being displayed
* Fixed an issue related to posts user access within the profile > widgets > latest media box
* Fixed an issue where deleted deposit requests would stay as "In progress" over the user transactions area
* Fixed an issue where admin accounts were unable to preview post comments when browsing the public site
* Fixed an issue with users encountering login issues while using longer user agents
* Fixed a small, messenger-related issue, small speed improvements
* Small homepage fixes and mobile tweaks
* Fixed a few translation strings-related issues
* Documentation updates

[5/25/2022] v3.6.0

* Added CCBill payment processor support for Subscriptions & One-time payments
* Added adult content consent dialog option
* Added 3 months recurring subscriptions option
* Moved the Admin > Settings > Invoices block over Admin > Settings > Payments sub-tab
* Created new Admin > Compliance settings tab, moved cookies box settings into it
* Multiple documentation updates and tweaks 
* Other small bugfixes

[5/20/2022] v3.5.1

* Fixed an issue related to latest version migrations, happening on certain server environments
* Small documentation updates

[5/20/2022] v3.5.0

* Added site owner offline payments details, shown on the deposit page and editable over the admin panel
* Slightly updated the admin settings area, updated categories order, and other tweaks
* Split the Admin > Settings > Payments into subcategories
* Improved the checkout box validation UI
* Multiple translations strings improvements and fixes
* Fixed a tips amount validation bug
* Fixed a bug where the user withdrawals message field was mandatory
* Fixed bug where after tipping via messenger, users would have got redirected to the profile page
* Other small bugfixes and tweaks

[5/11/2022] v3.4.0

* Added new admin option that allows owners to set default subscription price
* Added new admin option that allows setting the default min-max tip constrains
* Added new admin option that allows owners to set default video encoder quality presets
* Updated the audio encoder for FFmpeg converted videos
* Fixed a translation strings issue over the sub email reminder
* Fixed issues with suggestions slider action buttons on mobile

[5/9/2022] v3.3.0

* Added the user suggestions slider to the mobile version as well, on top of the feed
* Made the User Messenger chat bubbles have different colors between sender and receiver
* Made the admin "Enforce users ID Checks" also apply to streams, as it does to creating posts
* Added a small informative label over User > Settings > Rates
* Fixed a broken streaming page link for mobile users
* Fixed a few UI issues for stream page on mobile views
* Fixed a few UI inconsistencies with the feed reverse pagination button
* Fixed a bug with profile bundles not showing the total sub price label for 6/12 months subscriptions
* Fixed a bug where cron dispatched emails would get invalid site URLs
* Removed the "Site > Google analytics tracking ID" admin setting, so users can use different analytics versions via the Custom JS setting
* Translation strings fixes and improvements

[5/1/2022] v3.2.0

* Added custom themes generator service, within the admin panel
- The themes are generated on a remote server. Timings may vary but it might take between 20-40s for a run.
- Regular license holders can generate up to 5 themes per day.
- If the ZIP extension is available on the server, the theme will be updated automatically.
- If the extension is not available, you will need to upload the archive you'll be getting onto the following directory: `public/css/theme`.
- When updating your site, remember to back up your `public/css/theme` folder and restore it after the update.
* Documentation updates
* Other minor bug fixes

[4/29/2022] v3.1.0

* Made the User > Payments table only show invoices for payers
* Fixed a bug with invoices user access
* Fixed some translation strings inconsistencies over the invoice page
* Fixed some general forms alignment issues over the Admin > Settings area
* Added some more info over Admin > Settings > Invoices tab
* Added some more setup info over the Admin > Settings > Emails tab
* Other minor bug fixes

[4/18/2022] v3.0.0

* Added live streaming capabilities 
* RTMP Ingestion - OBS or alternative required for creators
* HLS Output with Adaptive Bitrate (up to 360p-1080p)
* Private/Public streams
* Subscription-locked streams
* Pay-per-view locked streams
* Live stream chat & Live viewers counter
* Stream VODs, so users can watch later the stream they bought (if enabled by admin)
* New "Live streams" category over the discover page where all public streams can be found
* New "Live streams" feed category over the user profile, where any live streams & VODs are shown
* Ability for admins to set maximum stream time, with email reminders for creators, before the stream is expiring
* Updated the user payments history page, now Tips are categorized, Post unlocks, and Stream unlocks are having links to the unlocked resource
* Fixed an admin bug related to the Settings tabs menu and a broken docs link
* Fixed a bug over the "Recent media" widget, on the profile page, which would have displayed non-post attachments
* Fixed a bug where post attachment files would not get deleted on post delete
* Fixed profile follows button label being hidden for users not logged in
* Improved the translation strings
* Documentation updates, added new streams setup section
* Other, smaller bugfixes 

[4/14/2022] v2.9.0

* Made the admin role to be able to preview all media when navigating user profiles
* Made the profile header action buttons not get hidden anymore on mobile devices
* Added CTRL+S shortcut when saving admin settings, as on rest of the admin entities edit panels
* Fixed public pages URLs generation within the sitemap
* Few translation fixes
* Documentation updates

[4/11/2022] v2.8.0

* Slightly updated the login/register forms layout when using social logins
* Translations fixes over user's withdrawal area
* Fixed an access issue with custom storage drivers, uploading private assets from the admin panel
* Removed endpoint field for Admin > Storage > Digital ocean spaces
* Small documentation updates

[4/9/2022] v2.7.0

* Added the admin option of enforcing custom user avatars (re)sizes, if they want to host bigger avatars
* Made the profile page cover image smaller, following the same aspect ratio as on the settings page
* Renamed the admin "Messenger & Notifications" settings area to "Websockets" 
* Fixed an issue related to custom CSS & JS code not being inserted into the site 
* Fixed a few missing translations, over the user's withdrawals area
* Fixed a bug related to tips not working on the user bookmarks page
* Fixed a bug related to NowPayments admin email notifications
* Fixed a few bugs over the installer, now showing more explicit error messages
* Small documentation improvements

[3/29/2022] v2.6.0

* Added new fields on user withdrawals, where users can choose more specific payout methods (Eg: Bank transfer, Paypal, etc). Payout methods are customizable via the admin panel
* Added a new admin option for enforcing SSL app-wise. Only needed for very rare hosting environments having SSL issues
* Fixed a bug where withdrawals would be counted as money earned within the admin dashboard metrics
* Fixed a pluralization issue over the post box tips label
* Fixed a bug where messenger bubbles wouldn't cut the text for large lines with no spaces
* Other small bugfixes and cleanups
* Small documentation updates

[3/22/2022] v2.5.0

* Added admin setting allowing to choose between default users privacy settings when registering (eg: public/private profile)
* Fixed a bug related to private profiles not being accessible to logged-in users
* Fixed a bug related to creator offers where offers would not start right away
* Fixed a bug related to creator offers where the offer date would get reset when re-saving multiple times
* Fixed a bug related to creator offers where the profile page would show negative offer values
* Fixed a bug related to incomplete/canceled subscriptions would show an "empty show" more button, on the user subs panel
* Fixed a bug when the username was too long, it was being displayed over the user-side menu

[3/18/2022] v2.4.1

* Fixed a bug when navigating back on the create page after posting, the text would get saved as a draft.
* Fixed a broken user profile link over post comments
* Fixed some client-side errors occurring on the actual error pages, breaking translations 
* Cleaned up the PayPal checkout page of any unnecessary branding
* Small translations fixes
* Small improvements and tweaks over the installer module

[3/16/2022] v2.4.0

* Added NowPayments crypto payments processor for deposits, tips and post unlocks
* Replaced the 2FA device verify page illustration with a new one
* Enforced username validation to only allow letters numbers, dashes, and underscores
* Fixed the sort order for user payments and subscriptions pages
* Small checkout box fixes and tweaks
* Documentation updates
* Other small bugfixes

[3/15/2022] v2.3.0

* Added DigitalOcean Spaces storage driver
* Fixed a UI bug when uploading avatars on the settings profile page
* Fixed an issue when users were not able to change the site language unless logged in
* Fixed an RTL JS bug breaking client-side code at times

[3/14/2022] v2.2.0

* Added email-based 2FA implementation
     - Admins can choose to enable or disable it, enforce it when new users are registered, or hide it entirely
     - Users can enable or disable it and manage the list of approved devices
* Added admin option to be able to have a predefined list of users to be followed by default for on user creation
* Added admin option to set default profile type on user creation (free/paid)
* Updated the admin loader gif animation
* Updated the "No content available" illustration, for a better view on dark mode
* Fixed an issue related to posts text wrapping
* Fixed a sitemap bug, related to URLs being wrongly generated, on certain hosting environments
* Fixed a bug where admins were not allowed to be listed as featured creators
* DRM updates and improvements
* Documentation updates
* Other small bugfixes

[3/6/2022] v2.1.0

* Added the admin option of setting homepage redirects for custom landing pages
* Added the admin option of setting custom users cover images resolution
* Fixed the missing TOS&Privacy links on the register page
* Fixed the default PayPal mode, now defaulting on live for new installations
* Fixed the user settings > birthdate field, now disallowing future dates
* Fixed a bug where for desktop Google Chrome, download controls would appear for videos
* Fixed the missing auto sitemap generation cronjob
* Few translation fixes
* Other small bugfixes

[3/2/2022] v2.0.0

* Added the option of enforcing user email verifications, if enabled users won't be able to use the site until verified
* Added notifications pills on the user menu for notifications and user messages
* Improved checkout dialog form validations
* PWA App improvements and offline mode improvements and fixes
* Fixed a hardcoded logo for the PayPal payment page generation
* Fixed a bug where the users would be able to follow themselves when using free profiles
* Re-organized the admin settings a bit, moved custom CSS, custom JS and ad spaces into their own category
* Replaced the default admin loading spinner with a custom one
* Made the cookies box auto-dismiss on scroll when on mobile, so the bottom navigation bar will always be visible
* Couple of translation fixes
* Other small UI tweaks and bugfixes
* Documentation updates

[2/24/2022] v1.9.0

* Added chunked file uploads for post module, allowing owners to bypass Cloudflare & max file size limits (Configurable in Admin panel)
* Allowing admins to send messages to any user via the user messenger
* Set the minimum subscription price to $1, from $5
* Small documentation updates

[2/22/2022] v1.8.4

* Fixed a couple of translation issues
* Other small bug fixes
* Documentation updates

[2/16/2022] v1.8.3

* Added MySQL port option over the installer's database setup section
* Other small bugfixes

[2/15/2022] v1.8.2

* Fixed a messenger bug, happening on certain hosting providers, which was displaying all bubbles on the same side
* Fixed an access issue that was blocking creating post bookmarks for free profiles
* Small translations fixes and tweaks
* Updated admin dashboard links
* Documentation updates

Release notes

* Users running on Wasabi storage driver must update their bucket policy to the latest one provided in the docs @ https://docs.qdev.tech/justfans/#was documentation

[2/12/2022] v1.8.1

* Fixed an Admin > Email > Encryption bug for TLS protocol
* Fixed a bug related to the PWA manifest not being included on certain routes
* Fixed a messenger thumbnail generation bug

[2/11/2022] v1.8.0

* Added the list of approved user withdrawals to the User Payments page
* Fixed a bug related to Admin withdrawal requests, which at times was not restoring user balance for rejected requests
* Fixed some error handling issues on the Users withdrawal page
* Fixed a Users search page filters issue when paginating & replaced the filter icon
* Fixed an admin issue where Posts could not be created from the admin panel
* Fixed an admin issue, where default user avatars would display broken images
* Fixed an admin issue related to Users not being able to be edited/created & changed the edit page layout
* Made the admin posts page contain post price & turned the status field into a dropdown field
* Fixed an issue related to tax names over checkout dialog, when using taxes with "All" countries
* DRM & Security improvements
* Small documentation updates
* Other small bugfixes

[2/8/2022] v1.7.0

* Added offline payments for user deposits. Users can now create a request, attach files and details and admins can approve. The option can be turned on or off from the admin panel.
* Added search filters for People search type. Uses can now filter users by gender, age, and location.
* Added "All" option for Admin > Taxes > Add/Edit tax form, so now admins can create one tax containing all countries.
* Added new user profile setting > Gender (Genders can be edited from the admin panel)
* Added new user profile setting > Gender pronoun (Can be turned on or off from admin, if used, the pronoun will be shown over the user profile)
* Added new Admin > Setting > Site > Redirect page after register. Can be used to send newly registered users either to feed or User profile settings page
* Added additional social media login setup info over Admin > Setting > Social media
* Small documentation updates
* Other small bugfixes

[2/5/2022] v1.6.2

* Added profiles QR code generation feature - Enableable from the admin panel
* Fixed a bug related to the PWA app not being prompted to be installed
* Small post create page design tweaks and improvements
* Fixed some DB migration issues that appeared since v1.6.0
* Small translation fixes
* Documentation updates

[2/3/2022] v1.6.1

* Added custom error pages for the rest of the HTTP statuses & slightly improved their designs
* Fixed issues with posts unlock, where creators wouldn't get their money into their balance
* Fixed individual post page layout glitches on desktop devices
* Small design fixes over the profile & feed message boxes
* Small documentation updates
* Other small bugfixes

[2/2/2022] v1.6.0

* Added new "Featured Creators" admin section, which owners can use to populate the homepage featured creators section
* Turned the Admin > Taxes > Type field into a radio selector, fixing exclusive taxes issues on certain hosting environments
* Renamed the Admin > Public pages slug, fixing some rare rewrite issues on certain hosting environments
* Removed the script tag wrap for custom JS code admin setting, now all custom JS implementations can be used
* Multiple mobile & desktop layout fixes for the Bookmarks, Lists, and Settings pages
* Fixed messenger avatars issue when using remote storage drivers
* Fixed a profile page offers rounding issue for the discount amount
* Fixed a small error box margins on the feed page
* Other small bugfixes & tweaks

[1/30/2022] v1.5.3

* Fixed a layout issue on desktop devices on the notifications page

[1/29/2022] v1.5.2

* Redesigned 404 and 500 error pages, added new illustrations for both of them
* Renamed "Site title" admin setting to "Site name" and fixed a few usages of it across the platform
* Added new "Site slogan" admin setting, to be used in numerous places as a short site description/slogan
* Fixed a few currency symbol translation issues
* Fixed the gallery next/prev slight misalignment issue on mobile
* Removed extra spaces from set post price label & Made it save the post price on enter keypress
* Other small bugfixes

[1/28/2022] v1.5.1

* Fixed the broken sticky menus & widgets from feed & profile on desktop variant

[1/28/2022] v1.5.0

* Added bottom navigation bar for mobile devices to the detriment of the left sidebar
* Redesigned messenger page layout, now contacts are shown on a left sidebar + Other messenger related tweaks
* Numerous layout fixes over the Feed, Notifications, Bookmarks, Lists & Profile pages
* Standardized all pages headers for both desktop and mobile devices
* Standardized all pages borders for a more consistent layout
* Fixed mobile listings issues over the Search > People page
* Fixed a few spacing issues over the feed cards
* Fixed an issue with mobile layout sometimes extending the viewport more than the device
* Added free profile follows to the messenger suggested members dialog
* Fixed a bug related to message member suggestions not being populated at times
* Fixed a bug related to admins not being able to delete users in certain scenarios
* Couple of SEO improvements, including fixed meta description for the homepage
* Numerous translation fixes & tweaks
* Numerous RTL fixes and optimizations
* Database indexes optimizations
* Other small bugfixes and cleanups

[1/23/2022] v1.4.0

* Added social login feature (Twitter, Facebook, Google), can be configured from the admin panel
* Fixed homepage responsiveness issue
* Fixed the free profile follow/unfollow profile feature on the post page for free profiles
* Fixed an access issue, forbidding comments & likes to free profiles content
* Fixed the paginators buttons text misalignment
* Other small bugfixes & UI tweaks

[1/21/2022] v1.3.1

* Added new email driver - Sendmail aka PHP mail() function
* Fixed an issue with the homepage logos on Firefox browser
* Fixed the Post page SEO title
* Fixed paginators navigation buttons misalignment
* Fixed a translations related bug & added a few missing translations 

[1/19/2022] v1.3.0

* Added Search Widget & Dedicated Search Page (Logged in, users can search their feeds while non-logged-in users can only search for public users) 
* Standardized all widgets design (over Feed, Profile, Search areas)
* Fixed an admin bug related to missing setting fields descriptions
* Fixed a database related bug, that was rarely occurring on certain hosting environments 
* Fixed a user messenger bug over the mobile version
* Made all secondary navigation panels have their text bolder
* Fixed a feed UI bug related to some excessive margins
* Fixed a UI bug over the homepage user cards username not being bold
* Few translations related fixes and tweaks
* Fixed a layout breaking bug, when navigating back to the posting page, after sending a tip
* Fixed a Profile page title typo
* Added more info over the "Create post" area, so users know they can drag and drop files over the textarea
* Other small bugfixes

[1/12/2022] v1.2.0

* Added Coinbase as a new payment provider (Enabled for deposits, tips, post unlocks)
* Added Webhooks & CronJobs setup info over admin settings area
* Fixed a broken label over the installer's first step
* Fixed a few missing descriptions for some admin settings
* Added a descriptive tooltip over the file's icon for the create post page
* Improved cronjobs logging
* Documentation updates
* Other small bugfixes

[1/10/2022] v1.1.5

* Admin dashboard improvements (Added quick go-to links to common areas + Documentation links)
* Added new Admin > Settings > Site setting that allows admins to hide the "Verify" page for creators from their user settings menu
* Added new Admin > Setting > Feed setting to allow admins to skip empty profiles out of the suggestions list (as in users with no avatars or covers) 
* Fixed the user wallet (deposit) page to only show up available payment providers
* Fixed a typo for the feed suggestions widget title
* Small wording changes around User > Rates settings labels to better indicate how prices should be set up
* Small licensing system fix
* Added an in-site embed 500 error page template
* Documentation updates (Info on how to customize homepage, maintain custom versions, emails driver setup & more)

[1/6/2022] v1.1.4

* Fixed a bug related to SMTP driver admin configuration
* Fixed an email template bug, breaking a couple of email implementations
* Turned Taxes > Country field into a multiple select dropdown input
* Made the 6 and 12 months subscriptions calculate the final prices over the profile page, instead of relying on creators to do so
* Added validation over the locked posts price dialog, now allowing only sums bigger than $1
* Added license validation part of the one-click installer 
* Other small bugfixes

[1/4/2022] v1.1.3

* Added the user's ability to re-send verification messages (A new pop up has been added to user profile & account settings areas)
* Added confirmation message when users are confirming their email addresses
* Added verified badge for ID checked users, over suggestions slider and users profiles
* Added enforced validation for storage driver settings, so admins won't be able to save empty settings in there.
* Fixed the free profiles filter for the feed suggestions box
* Fixed a bug related to emails not using the admin uploaded platform logo
* Fixed a bug related to admin uploaded assets in certain Windows-based hosting servers
* Fixed the size of users avatars over Admin > Users area
* Small UI related tweaks over the feed area

[12/31/2021] v1.1.2

* Fixed an issue related to avatars & covers broken links when served from Wasabi
* Fixed an Admin > Users save bug
* Documentation updates (Added Wasabi setup info, Theming instructions & other tweaks)

[12/30/2021] v1.1.1

* Added an Admin > Settings > Ad spaces category, and one default ad space, for the right sidebar used on the feed & user profiles pages
* Fixed a bug related to custom JS code not being included in the page in some scenarios
* Fixed a bug related to .wmv video file uploads
* Small admin related UI tweaks
* Small documentation tweaks and updates

[12/29/2021] v1.1.0

* Added "Free Profiles" capabilities, so now creators can have free accounts, while fans are able to unlock their content with just a "Follow" 
* Re-designed the messenger module mobile layout & Other messenger related fixes
* Added an (admin) option of generating text-based assets watermarks (for including creator profile link)
* Added an (admin) option of allowing users to be able to zoom in/out on assets galleries
* Fixed an issue related to image watermarks when using custom storage drivers
* Fixed a bug related to profile page list management dialog, showing incorrect number of members inside a list
* Fixed a few translation issues related to lists in general
* Other small bugfixes

[12/27/2021] v1.0.6

* Made the user sidebar populate languages dropdown based on provided locale files
* Fixed the broken user admin save functionality & Other general admin side fixes
* Fixed the broken .mkv video files upload
* Fixed a bug related to users Identity Check feature
* Other small bugfixes and cleanups

[12/24/2021] v1.0.5

* Added Wasabi storage driver
* Made all platform dialog modals get vertically centered
* Admin styles consistency fixes & Few other tweaks
* Other small bugfixes

[12/21/2021] v1.0.4

* Admin > Added a new setting that allows feed's suggestion slider widget to autoplay slides
* Admin > Moved the currency symbol & code settings from the "Site" category to "Payments" 
* Admin > Added new "Custom CSS" & "Custom JS" settings, allowing admins to add custom tracking codes or styles
* Admin > Added setting that allows skipping the re-encoding of .mp4 videos, saving upload time and CPU usage (Recommended use: OFF)
* Admin > Added setting that allows admins to set maximum uploaded videos length (in seconds)
* Few UI fixes over the user payments & invoices areas.
* Other small bugfixes

[12/18/2021] v1.0.3

* Fixed a validation bug for locked posts which was blocking payments for post unlocks under $5
* Fixed a bug for the copy link fallback function of share/copy link feature
* Added new user info over it's profile  (Location - Website URL - Join date)
* Other small bugfixes

[12/17/2021] v1.0.2

* Fixed a messenger bug, that was skipping websokets connections at times
* Fixed a client-side bug related to the checkout window, occurring on certain server setups

[12/16/2021] v1.0.1

* Fixed an issue with the checkout dialog on the profile subscribe button
* Fixed the feed suggestions slider ( was locked on 3 suggestions )
* Fixed the case where users would have been able to tip themselves
* Fixed issues when running the platform on dark mode theme by default
* Fixed a bug related to invalid usernames 
* Other small bugfixes


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