Highdmin – Admin & Dashboard Template
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Highdmin is a fully featured premium admin template built on top of awesome Bootstrap 4.5.0, modern web technology HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. It has many ready to use hand crafted components. The theme is fully responsive and easy to customize. The code is super easy to understand and gives power to any developer to turn this theme into real web application.
- Fully Responsive Design
- Created using Bootstrap 4.5.0
- Gulp Workflow
- Vertical & Horizontal Layouts
- Light & Dark Layouts
- Clean and intutive design
- LTR & RTL Support
- Fully Documented
- Rich form,widgets,validation and wizard
- 83+ Pages
- SASS Support
- Calendar, Tickets, Projects, Taskboards, Companies, File manager pages
- Error pages included
- Stylish pricing page
- 7000+ Font Icons
Change logs:
7. v3.0 (July 08, 2020) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - <strong>Improved:</strong> A major refactoring of entire code based. Made it more inline with bootstrap. - <strong>Updated:</strong> All plugins including bootstrap to latest version. - <strong>Improved:</strong> All the demos/layouts completely based on css. No need to have different markup. 6. v2.0 (Sep 07, 2019) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added Gulp workflow for easy development and tooling - Improved SCSS support which allows easy customizations with extensive use of SCSS variables - Added Gulp workflow for easy development and tooling 5. v1.4 (Apr 17, 2019) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Update Bootstrap to 4.3.1 version - Added dark versions (Horizontal & Vertical) - Updated Plugins: - jQuery v3.1.1 to v3.3.1 - metismenu v2.7.0 to v3.0.4 - slimscroll v1.3.6 to v1.3.8 - Waves v0.6.0 to v0.7.6 - jQuery Knob v1.2.11 to v1.2.12 - DataTables v1.10.15 to v1.10.19 - jQuery UI v1.11.4 to v1.12.1 - custombox v3.0.0 to v4.0.36 - Summernote v0.8.8 to v0.8.11 - sweetalert2 v6.10.2 to v8.8.2 - Ion.RangeSlider v2.1.4 to v2.3.0 - Chartist.js v0.9.8 to v0.11.0 - Chart.js v2.7.1 to v2.8.0 - Select2 v4.0.3 to v4.0.6-rc.1 - Bootstrap-select v1.12.4 to v1.13.7 - MockJax v1.5.3 to v2.5.0 - Autocomplete v1.2.24 to v1.4.9 - Parsley.js v2.8.0 to v2.9.0 - moment.js v2.19.1 to v2.24.0 - daterangepicker v2.1.24 to v3.0.3 - bootstrap-datepicker v1.7.0-dev to v1.8.0 - Responsive Tables v5.0.4 to v5.3.3 - Tablesaw v2.0.2 to v3.1.0 - Jquery Mapael v2.0.0 to v2.2.0 - Isotope PACKAGED v3.0.1 to v3.0.6 4. v1.3 (Oct 20, 2018) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Update Bootstrap to 4.1.3 version - Added PHP version (Horizontal & Vertical) 3. v1.2 (May 01, 2018) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Update Bootstrap to 4.1.0 version 2. v1.1 (February 05, 2018) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Update Bootstrap to 4.0.0 version - Added a new layout with horizontal navigation 1. v1.0 (January 29, 2018) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial Released.