FundUs – Subscription Based Crowdfunding System

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FundUs is perfectly built for charity, donations and fundraising various causes with subscription based system.
Script Developed with PHP Laravel & Mysql and Multilanguage Support. Script in-built five languages are english, spanish, french, chinese and arabic.
It's a fundraising script helps you to collect fund form several Donor's to raised fund for Peoples who needs Donation.
There are many powerful features for crowdfunding causes, volunteers, service providers, events, gallery, newsletter, subscription, referral system…ect
we provide to help of details documentation it will take few minutes to quick installation.

Our Support:



Free Installation:


Payment Gateways:

payment gateways

User Features:

  • Built with Laravel 10.21.0
  • Responsive Design using Bootstrap
  • Easy to Donate Charity
  • Unlimited Causes
  • Unlimited Volunteers
  • Unlimited Events
  • User roles & permissions
  • Subscription based customer system
  • Social Share
  • Social Login for facebook & google plus
  • Google recaptcha
  • Guest donations facility (No need login)
  • Become Volunteers
  • Become Service Providers
  • Paypal ,Stripe ,Paytm & 2checkout, Paystack, PayFast, Flutterwave, Mercadopago Integrated
  • Open exchange rates currency conversion
  • Local bank transfer Integrated
  • Dynamic Pages
  • Pagination
  • Cause Search
  • Affiliate referral system
  • cpf and cnpj fields using on Brazilian
  • Newsletter Subscription
  • Contact Us
  • Categories based causes and events
  • SEO Friendly URL
  • Recent Donations
  • Recent Events
  • Multilanguage support. In built 3 languages available are english, spanish and arabic
  • Event Countdown timer
  • Withdrawal Request
  • Direct online payment
  • Email Notification
  • Dynamic color option
  • Commission based earnings
  • and more…

Admin Features:

  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • Dashboard
  • Dynamically change logo,favicon,site title,meta keyword,meta description…ect
  • Manage homepage layout sections
  • Manage categories
  • Customers Management
  • Volunteers Management
  • Subscription Management
  • Causes List
  • Donation List
  • Withdrawal Request
  • Events Management
  • Gallery Management
  • Email Template
  • Dynamic Pages
  • User Role Management
  • Slideshow
  • Clear Cache
  • Service Providers
  • Contact Information
  • Custom css widget
  • Custom js widget
  • Newsletter Subscription
  • General Settings
  • Color Settings
  • Email Settings
  • Media Settings
  • Currency Settings
  • Payment Settings
  • Social Settings
  • Preferred Settings
  • and more…


  • PHP >= 8.1
  • MySQL >= 8.1
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension


Frontend :

Admin :

Username : admin

Password : admin

User :

Username : demo

Password : 123456

Online Documentation:

Laravel Version:

Laravel 10.21.0

Change Log:

Version 14.5
Update - Causes & Blog post video icon updated
Update - Causes left days option updated
Update - Laravel 10.21.0 version updated
Update - Blog post whatsapp share icon updated 
Update - Some css design updated
Version 14.4
Add    - Mercadopago payment gateway integrated
Add    - Flutterwave payment gateway integrated
Update - Google analytics updated
Update - Laravel 9.52.12 version updated
Add    - Mercadopago & Flutterwave cause donation, subscription updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 14.3
Update - Google recaptcha V3 updated
Update - User role option updated
Fix    - Social login ON/OFF issue fixed
Update - Laravel 9.52.5 version updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 14.2
Add    - Custom css & js widget added
Update - Laravel 8.83.25 version updated
Fix    - Cause raised price issue fixed
Fix    - Admin blog post issue fixed
Fix    - Tinymce editor content update issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 14.1
Add    - Affiliate referral system added
Update - Laravel 8.83.23 version updated
Fix    - Localbank donation status issue fixed
Update - Dynamic css design updated
Fix    - Admin donation page payment type,donate id columns updated
Update - Admin dashboard users referral count updated
Add    - My Referral page added
Version 14.0
Add    - Clear cache admin panel option
Update - Laravel 8.83.18 version updated
Fix    - Any format youtube url issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Update - Website speed optimization updated
Version 13.9
Add    - PayFast payment gateway integrated
Update - Laravel 8.83.2 latest version updated
Add    - Service Providers added
Update - Cause image/youtube option updated
Add    - Withdrawal PayFast Withdrawal Request Updated
Update - Register page social login updated
Update - Footer section login menu item updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 13.8
Update - New currency conversion updated
Update - Laravel 8.81 latest version updated
Fix    - language issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Remove - Open exchange rates removed 
Version 13.7
Update - Laravel 8.70 latest version updated
Update - customer email verification option updated
Add    - Cause search option added
Update - Some css design updated
Version 13.6
Update - Pages & Causes slug updated
Update - Laravel 8.60 latest version updated
Add    - Email Template option added
Update - Admin panel menu item updated
Fix    - Pages add / edit issue fixed
Update - Browse to upgrade option updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 13.5
Update - Laravel 8.48 latest version updated
Fix    - Admin panel add customer / edit customer earning field issue fixed
Fix    - Some css issue fixed
Version 13.4
Update - Admin panel also mlti-language translation updated
Update - Laravel 8.39 latest version updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 13.3
Fix    - Causes page progress bar issue fixed
Update - Laravel 8.32 latest version updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 13.2
Update - Laravel 8.26 latest version updated
Fix    - Paytm issue fixed
Add    - Open exchange rates currency conversion integrated
Add    - Paystack payment gateway integrated
Fix    - Some css issue fixed
Version 13.1
Update - Laravel 8.20 latest version updated
Update - Contact page google captcha ON / OFF option updated
Fix    - SubAdmin profile image issue fixed
Update - Google captcha enable / disable option updated
Fix    - Paypal currency issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Fix    - Subscription expired user causes disable issue fixed
Version 13.0
Update - Laravel 8.16 latest version updated
Fix    - Admin profile image issue fixed
Fix    - RTL issue fixed
Update - Subscription page,Cause Details page updated
Update - Main menu sticky updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 12.0
Update - Cause upload proof mandatory (yes / no) option updated 
Add    - Sub administrator user role & permissions added
Update - Social login facebook & google plus configuration update via admin panel
Update - Email configuration update via admin panel
Update - Laravel latest version updated
Fix    - Cause update issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 11.0
Add    - Blog added
Update - Blog section enable / disable admin settings
Update - Tinymce editor updated
Fix    - Some css design fixed
Version 10.0
Update - Laravel latest version upgrade
Add    - Upload extension svg format added
Fix    - Language issue fixed
Fix    - Some css design fixed
Version 9.0
Fix    - Multi-language Translation issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 8.0
Update - my causes and my raised funds delete option
Fix    - Localbank payment approval fixed
Fix    - Header donate button link fixed
Fix    - Categories causes count fixed
Add    - Pagination added on event,blog,gallery,causes,...ect
Add    - cpf, cnpj and company name field add on donate form (use on Brazilian)
Update - cpf and cnpj optional field. it's ON / OFF general settings
Update - dynamic pages translation updated
Version 7.0
Add    - 2checkout payment integration added
Fix    - Translation issue fixed
Fix    - Newsletter email html tag display issue fixed
Remove - french, chinese language removed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 6.0
Update - Google analytics code option updated
Update - New font updated 
Update - Laravel Version upgrade
Fix    - Newsletter confirmation link issue fixed
Update - New user registration verification ON / OFF option updated
Fix    - Form validator design issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 5.0
Update - Laravel Version 5.8.35
Update - New font updated 
Update - Home gallery section style updated
Fix    - My Profile page upload image fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 4.0
Update - Dynamic translate update. Multilanguage add / edit/ delete any languages.
Update - chinese and arabic two new language updated. 
Update - RTL Support updated
Fix    - Mobile view language menu fixed
Update - Event page new countdown timer updated
Update - Some css design updated
Version 3.0
Update - Subscription upgrade page paytm & localbank payment integrated
Update - Admin customers page new columns updated
Update - Causes add / edit page upload proof and location updated
Fix    - Causes raised fund issue fixed
Update - Some css design updated
Version 2.0
Update - Paytm payment gateway integrated
Update - Local bank transfer updated
Update - Withdrawal request local bank transfer updated
Add    - Admin customer page membership column added
Fix    - Some css issue fixed
Version 1.0 - Initial Release















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