CodeIgniter Purchasing System

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Codeigniter Purchasing system is a web-based platform that helps businesses of all sizes elevate their entire procurement process to better manage requisitions, generate purchase orders, and monitor spending with full visibility and control into their respective purchase cycle. It has seamless flow of data and customized workflows. Automating the purchasing functions can make your company competitive in its industry to not be merely transactional but strategic enough to transform the way you do business.


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Flow Chart

CodeIgniter Purchasing System - 1

Features and Function

Codeigniter purchasing system can carry out the following functions:

  • Multi-Language Support
  • User Management
    • Add
    • Edit/Update
    • Activate/Deactivate User
  • User type involve in process
    • Administrator / Purchasing Department
    • General User
    • Canvasser
    • Budget
    • Auditor
    • Board
    • Property Department
  • Settings
    • Flexibility
    • Changeable email templates with shortcodes
    • Changeable Status Text and color
    • Branches
    • Supplier
    • Products
    • Category
  • Dashboard
    • View the number of request and the current request being process on the department
    • View the users that has an ongoing request
    • 1 Week interval graph of requests
    • Non admin view announcement and the progress of each request
  • Requests
    • List of Requests
    • Wizard for the new request
    • You can add an attachment and description on each item
    • View amount total per supplier
  • Head Approval
    • Ability to assign each item to another department head and allow them to approve
    • Department head has ability to deny and approve request
  • Canvassing system
    • Ability to enter list of canvassed materials and suppliers with corresponding quotes for admin to view
    • Ability to view selected canvassed materials and suppliers for comparison and approval
    • Ability to enter up to four suppliers for each canvassed item requested.
    • Auto compute feature easily determines lowest price amongst the supplier presented in the canvassing.
  • Budget Approve/Deny request
  • Board Approve/Deny request
  • Generate PO
  • Audit approve/deny request
  • Property department for the finish process request
  • Each department head allows to view request of their user
  • Each department head allows to view/print reports

Update History

  • Version 1.2 – July 22, 2019
    • Fixed issue for other server that does not support symlink
    • Fixed nickname error when updating profile
    • Fixed the duplicate items in the canvasser when updating the items
  • Version 1.1 – April 15, 2019
    • Updated to CodeIgniter 3.1.10
    • mpdf update for php 7+ compatibility
    • HMVC compatibility on php 7.3
    • Added multi-language support
    • Corrupt logo view
    • Fixed the number of action for the head department
    • Request list and Report pagination fix
    • Fix json error on ajax request
    • Added change password on profile
    • Remove old password field on users list change password modal
    • Faster side menu scrollbar
    • Fixed transaction history ID ordering
    • Change database table collation to utf8
    • Remove the auto round-off prices on canvasser update items
    • Fixed mysql float variables saving issue on canvasser update items
    • Fixed Responsive issue on Generate PO page
    • Fixed for the initiator that cannot edit the request denied from Head department
    • Catch writable error when uploading an attachment.
    • Ability to override existing javascript file
    • Fixed Mysql error for sql_mode=only_full_group_by compatibility
  • Version 1.0 – October 14, 2017
    • First Release


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