Cityguide + StampReady Builder

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Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 1Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 2Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 3Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 4

What you'll get

Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 5 StampReady compatible templates
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 6 MailChimp compatible templates
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 7 Campaign Monitor compatible templates
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 8 8 PSD Template files
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 9 Documentation of both the Template and StampReady Dashboard

Template Features

Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 10 Mobile Responsive
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 11 9 Templates
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 12 66 Draggable Modules
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 13 Compatible with StampReady, MailChimp & Campaign Monitor
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 14 Tab-indent written HTML for better reading

Editor Features

Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 15 Export to desktop
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 16 Unlimited structures and exports
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 17 Drag & Drop editor
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 18 WYSIWYG editor
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 19 Built in code editor
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 20 Mobile preview (simulation)
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 21 Duplicate modules
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 22 Delete modules
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 23 Switch modules
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 24 Change background images
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 25 Build your template from the ground up without any coding knowledge  :shocked:
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 26 Send your newsletter
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 27 Send test emails
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 28 Track your newsletter by live analytics
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 29 Save your work on your account
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 30 Free registration
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 31 Import subscribers
Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 32 Export subscribers as XML file

The StampReady editor is free to use, but not required.


The images we've used are from the Unsplash website.

Some quotes that makes us smile

Cityguide + StampReady Builder - 33


Q. How many times can I use this template?
A. As many as you like, as long as you use it for one client. That's what the ‘single license' reads. Want to use it for a lot clients – or want to include this template in your service – definitely buy the extended license, which should cover you from licensing.

Q. Is StampReady required?
A. Not quite. But it makes your life a little less complex. And you might live longer due to headache prevention.

Q. I bought the template. Now what do I do?
A. Make sure to register a StampReady account – it's free! If you dig MailChimp or Campaign Monitor, make sure you create one of those.
From here just import the template and you're good to edit/send.

Q. I found a bug in your editor.
A. Shoot and email to support[at] and we help you out.


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