Career Portal – Online Job Search Script

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Career Portal

Career Portal is developed for creating an interactive job vacancy for candidates. This web application is to be conceived in its current form as a dynamic site-requiring constant updates both from the seekers as well as the companies. On the whole the objective of the project is to enable jobseekers to place their resumes and companies to publish their vacancies. It enables jobseekers to post their resume, search for jobs, view personal job listings. It will provide various companies to place their vacancy profile on the site and also have an option to search candidate resumes. Apart from this there will be an admin module for the customer to make changes to the database content.

Admin Login
User: admin
Pass: admin1234

Employer Login

User: [email protected]
Pass: demo123456

Seeker Login

User: [email protected]
Pass: demo1234


  • Job Provider
  • Job Posting
  • Jobs Statistics
  • Job Seeker.
  • Online CV builder
  • Download CV
  • Administrator.
  • Job Search.

Job Seeker

Job Seeker can do following:

  • Build Online Resume
  • Download resume
  • View online resume
  • Delete Resume
  • Can view applied jobs
  • Change Password

Job Provider / Company

Job Seeker can do following:

  • Post New job
  • Manage Posted Jobs
  • View applicant on posted jobs
  • Download Applicants Resume
  • View online Applicants Resume
  • Shortlist applicants on each posted job
  • Check view of posted jobs
  • Edit Profile
  • Change password


Administrator can manage whole website:

  • Site Settings
  • Footer Contact Section
  • View job seeker List.
  • Admin user can view the jobseeker's applications for each job.
  • Manage complete employer section. Admin user can activate/deactivate/delete/edit company information.
  • Manage posted jobs. Like: activate/deactivate/delete/edit/post new job.
  • Post New Jobs
  • Manage Pending Jobs
  • Manage Trainings
  • Manage Companies
  • Create New company from admin panel
  • Resume manager from admin
  • Manage Expert Resume
  • Manage Intern Resume
  • Manage whole website content. Dynamic CMS is included to manage the content of the website.
  • Create admin side multiple users
  • Manage advertise ads
  • Admin can manage Categories
  • Admin can manage Locations
  • Admin can manage Job Level
  • Admin can manage Job Nature
  • Admin can manage Job salary Range
  • Admin can manage Education Level

This module having all current vacant jobs, experience and which client offering that vacancy.



From main website, user can perform following actions:

  • Search jobs on the basis of skills, city, country or job title.
  • Register as a jobseeker or as a job provider.
  • Login to jobseeker or job provider portal.


After registration job seeker can perform following actions:

  • Search for jobs
  • Apply Online for desire job
  • Add/Edit profile information including qualification, experience, and skills.
  • Build his resume by using CV builder functionality of the website.
  • Download resume.


After registration job provider can perform following action:

  • Add / Edit company's profile
  • Post new job vacancies
  • Edit / Deactivate posted jobs
  • Job provider can see the list of jobseekers who has applied for the job
  • Job provider can see and download the jobseeker's resume

Feel free to contact us if you have any issues regarding application.

Change Log Sep 2021

Update UI Design
Fix ad issue
Change companies list style
fix search issue

Change Log April 2018

Update Design
Fix Category Issue     
Update Admin Design
Fix job posting issue
Fix job update issue
Fix cv download issue

Change Log 11 Jan 2018

Job Seeker Verification
Employer account Verification
Show Active page after activation
Job Expire after Deadline

Change Log 28 Nov 2017

Add Notification in employer section
Admin user edit profile issue fixed
Add function of admin sub users (Sub user can only post a job)
Company create issue fixed
Admin logout issue fixed
Admin side job seeker cv download option added
Home page categories level filter issue fixed

Change Log 15 Nov 2017

Fixed ckeditor Issue
Fix bugs in following files located in: application > views > fontend > employer

Change Log 31 Oct 2017

Preferred Age issue fixed
Browse By Categories links issue fixed
Job Detail page data arrangement issue is fixed


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