Candidate Finder SaaS – Recruitment Management and Job Portal

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Candidate finder SaaS is an advance recruitment portal where employers can signup and pay for unique features like their own web section with branding, conducting online quizes and interviews from candidates. It's unique job board allows employers to do an analysis and scruitny among applying candidates before having them onboard. Admin/Owner of the system can make any number of packages with monthly and annual subscription against which employers can have paid memberships. With the extensive CMS features, the content on the front website from menus, pages, news and other necessary things can be easily controlled. You can run the script in two different ways regular and multitenancy. Please see demos below for understanding.

The system is built on laravel with a complete and easy to use admin panel to review and control content and features on the system. With the minimum set of installation requirements, it can be set up on any apache or nginx hosting.

Go to Single Employer (Non SaaS version)

Color Themes

Home Options

Resume Builder



Payment Gateways


Demo Details

Regular Job Portal Demo

Admin : ([email protected] / 60703310)
Front : ([email protected] / 60703310)
Employer : ([email protected] / 60703310)

Multitenancy Job Portal Demo

Admin : ([email protected] / 60703310)
Front : ([email protected] / 60703310)
Employer : ([email protected] / 60703310)
Candidate : ([email protected] / 60703310)

Installation & Setup

Instructions are included in documentation for installation and complete usage of the system with step by step pictorial guides. Follow this video for database setup and script installation.

Note : Please go through the documentation for admin before setup especially the installation guide.

Server Requirements

The set of requirements are very simple and are available/enabled on most of the hosting providers.

  • Apache or nginx
  • Database support (e.g. mysql or mssql)
  • PHP 7.4 or greater
  • PDO extension support
  • PHP GD library support
  • OpenSSL support
  • CURL support
  • Public folder needs to be writeable


  • Packages & Memberships Management
  • Paypal, Stripe, Paystack, Razorpay, Offline Payment Methods
  • Front Site CMS Features (Pages, News, Menu Designer etc)
  • Interactive Dashboards For Admin & Employers
  • Roles and Permissions for both admin & Employers
  • Language Translations ready
  • Gmail and Linkedin login (apis)
  • Job Board with unique features
  • Interviews creation, assignment and conduct with pdf feature
  • Quiz designer with concept of re-usability
  • Interview designer (similar as quiz designer)
  • Traits management
  • Quiz Wizard feature for candidates
  • Multiple resume builder for candidates
  • News & Announcements via blog for employers
  • Front end features for home page and footer
  • Jobs management
  • Departments management for jobs
  • Settings for system management
  • Responsive design for both admin, employer, front site and candidate area

Updates Log

Version 2.2 – 24th July, 2023

Added : Front site dynamic Language switch with rtl support.
Added : Hide job after the last date.
Added : Offline payment mode.
Added : Symlinks alternate mechanism for image display when not available.
Added : Display candidate pages to only employers when signed up.
Added : Admin Candidate static resume file download option.
Added : Jobs display in admin area.
Fixed : Admin Candidate resume download issue.
Fixed : Color theme glitch on page reload.
Fixed : Front register issue when only one type is allowed.
Fixed : Admin resume download issue.
Fixed : Candidate response issue when no item is there in resume.
Fixed : Front candidate detail page missing slug issue.
Fixed : Admin CKEDITOR attribute removal issue.
Fixed : Employer jobs csv export.

Version 2.1 – 02nd May, 2023

Added : Razorpay payment gateway.
Added : Paystack payment gateway.
Added : Setting for front site login modal to not display site stats.
Added : CSS setting for front site and candidate area.
Fixed : Color theme glitch on page reload.
Fixed : Admin -> Employer delete -> Remove all corresponding data.
Fixed : Front contact form error.
Fixed : Front Candidates list page missing slug issue.
Fixed : Front Candidate detail page missing slug issue.
Fixed : Employer quiz question edit error.
Removed : "Candidate Finder" as placeholder for employer site fields.

Version 2.0 – 15th Mar, 2023

Added : New Improved Design.
Added : Multi color theme with dark mode.
Added : Candidate list and detail pages on front site.
Added : Separate pricing page with faqs
Added : Admin -> Faqs module
Added : Google and Linkedin Login on front site.
Added : Improved design of candidate area.
Added : Quiz timer display.

Version 1.3.1 – 11th Sep, 2022

Added : Ckeditor5 in place of 4.
Added : Error logs table for recording email errors and avoid blocking script.
Added : Option to display jobs to only logged in applicants (employer section).
Fixed : Employer account activation link from front/main site.
Fixed : Employer branding custom-style css file generation issues.
Fixed : Missing job detail links/urls as a result of introducing slugs in place of ids.
Fixed : Subdomain slug issues and "www" issues.
Fixed : Linkedin and Google login signup issues.
Fixed : Employer -> Job Board -> Delete application not working.
Fixed : Date issue in employer signup.
Fixed : Jobs detail slug and id handling.

Version 1.3 – 3rd July, 2022

Added : Settings for Portal vs Multitenancy
Added : Filters creation in admin area.
Added : Departments Creation in admin area.
Added : Slug field addition in employer job creation.
Added : Front Job display by job slug.
Added : Job Detail page on the main front site.
Added : Apply feature with traits selection on the main front site.
Added : Candidate account area in main front site.
Added : Adjustments for 'Job Filters Creation' settings in admin, employer and candidate area.
Added : Adjustments for 'Departments Creation' settings in admin, employer and candidate area.
Added : Front/Main site login feature for candidate and employer.
Added : Separate site feature in packages/memberships.
Added : Move uploads folder outside of public.
Added : Separate company logo for employer.
Added : Header script settings for front/main, employer and candidate area.
Added : Add setting for WYSWIG editor for email templates with setting to enable/disable.
Fixed : Employers renew membership selection UX confusion issue.
Fixed : Favicon not appearing.
Fixed : Membership price decimal limit.
Fixed : Page and New Detail content alignment issue.
Fixed : Free package duration issue.
Fixed : employer_id variable not found issue on employer signup with dummy data.

Version 1.2 – 18th Apr, 2022

Added : Footer scripts settings.
Added : Increased the limit for candidate job experiences limit.
Added : New settings for colors of front site.
Added : Filters on jobs and companies page at front site.
Fixed : Subdomain 'Admin Login as Candidate' missing route issue.
Fixed : Mobile view issues of front end site.
Fixed : The y-axis bar of admin dashboard.
Fixed : Front package signup button crashing.
Fixed : Default Company not found image.
Fixed : Employer send email to candidate feature.

Version 1.1 – 22nd Feb, 2022

Added : PHP8 compatibilities.
Fixed : Purchase code limit issue.
Fixed : Error image on employer logo, banner and favicon.
Fixed : Make employer as mandatory while creating membership from admin.
Fixed : Admin employer creation issue.
Fixed : Admin candidate creation issue.
Fixed : Admin membership listing sort issue.


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