Blumingo – Angular Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template & UI Kit
Blumingo – a professional admin template, based on Bootstrap framework for angular
platform. Blumingo is a powerful and super flexible tool, it's best for any kind of admin dashboard.
Includes 7 pre-built layouts, 100+
components with different features and options, plugins and extensions etc. Blumingo will make your developer's life much easier. It's fully responsive, so it looks perfect on mobiles and tablets.
Blumingo also provides Online Documentation which guides you how to install required tools/packages and configure color schemes.
====== Important! Its not a regular HTML template. =======
=========== Blumingo is built with angular cli ===========
Main Features
Preebuilt dashboards: Blumingo comes with 7 prebuilt dashboard templates(Analytics, Sales,
Products, Finance, Event etc.) These templates will save a lot time for developers.
Ready Charts: Blumingo has 15+ ready to use charts(Line Chart, Area Chart, Bar Chart, Pai
Chart, Donut Chart, Candle Chart, Heatmap and many more). Those charts are customizable & only need to
the data, if needed,
colors also can be changed.
Prebuilt apps: Blumingo has 3 pre made apps( Inbox, Chat, Calendar ). These apps are fully
ready to integrate with your server.
Prebuilt Forms: Blumingo contains prebuilt forms, which are easy to use, you just need to
the form code and customize as your requirements.
Full SASS support: Blumingo implements bootstrap 4 sass. Styles and custom schemes are
in sass.
Angular compatible UI Kits: There are a large collection of ng Bootstrap and custom UI
kits to
speed up your
software development process.
Dynamic model driven navigation: Side menu items are provided by navigation service. Which
makes easy to change
the menu on runtime and supplying menu from the server based on user role.
Auth Guard: Angular router auth guard is implemented. Save server token in localstorage
also in auth
service variable, check that token's validity and return Boolean from canActivate method inside authGuard.
Customizable SASS color schemes: Customize or create your own color scheme by changing the
sass color
variable's value or creating new a color scheme file.
Data Table: Data table displays a set of data in clean table format with server/front-end
paging options. User can search and sort data.
Other Features
- Minimal, Intuitive and Fully Responsive Design(compatible with major browsers, tablets and phones)
- Bootstrap 4 framework
- 7 Dashboard versions
- Angular authGaurd Authentication implemented
- Full screen search
- Datatable(List view, Grid view, Full screen, Custom Filter, Paging)
- Lazy loaded module
- Login Page
- SignUp page
- Forgot password page
- Not found page
- Cusomized Ngx Toastr Alerts
- Spinner Buttons
- 30+ Card widgets
- NGX Quill rich text editor
- Custom loader and spinners
- Custom loading buttons
- Ladda loading buttons
- Image Cropper
- Form Wizard
- Tag Input
- Autocomplete Input
- Custom switch, radio, checkboxes
- Modal dialog, Confirm dialog
- eCharts for Data visualization
- Clean & Commented Code
- Online documentation