Avalan – Responsive Email Set
Deal Score0
- Template Builder by StampReady
- Responsive Email Template
- Drag & Drop in StampReady
- Chart Bar Module
- Unlimited Colors
- StampReady, Campaign Monitor & MailChimp compatible
- Documentation
File Included
- StampReady compatible file
- Campaign Monitor compatible file.
- MailChimp compatible file.
- HTML Responsive email file
- Documentation HTML page
- PSD Layered File
- Android
- AOL Mail
- Apple Mail
- Gmail
- Hotmail
- iPad
- iPhone
- Lotus Notes 8
- Lotus Notes 8.5
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- Opera Mail
- Outlook 2000
- Outlook 2002
- Outlook 2003
- Outlook 2007
- Outlook 2010
- Outlook 2011
- Outlook 2013
- Yahoo Mail
Outlook does't support the background images.
Gmail app is not support responsive.
Information about device support responsive email this and this.
Gmail App for Android is not supported.
Images used on preview are not included.
- Please use the contact form available on our profile page.
- Images from unsplash, deathtothestockphoto and kaboompics
- Portrait images from Daniel Zedda
- Icon sets from Font Awesome, Linh Pham, Simpleicon, Robin Kylander and Icons 8