Ajax Chat System

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Ajax Chat System

Ajax Chat System is a private chat/messages system that can be integrated in any website that wants to use a chat/messages system with the contacts being all the users or being the user's friends. It contains two tabs, one for that lists the chats and another one that lists the contacts. The chat system is realtime and based on jquery and supports the user is typing feature, new messages, user is online indicator as well as last seen feature and a lot more.


  • Instant Filter Contacts
  • Instant Read Messages
  • Instant Send Messages
  • Instant Delete Messages
  • Instant (Real-time) Chat
  • Multiple Chats
  • Chat / Contacts Tab
  • Unread Messages
  • Online Indicator
  • Last Seen
  • User is typing
  • Photo & File Attachments
  • Embed video, photo, audio, documents, Google map
  • Built Using Bootstrap 3.X
  • Chat / Messages System
  • Responsive


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