Admin Lite – PHP Admin Panel + User Management

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ADMIN LITE is Powerfull Codeigniter Admin Panel for starting a new project with Codeigniter Framework.
It is developed for custom CodeIgniter projects. It's cover most common features that needed for nowadays project.
It will make your development task more easier then before. We are working hard to create many premium features on this project.

The main objective is to speed up web development effort by providing configurable and ready modules. Configurations can be made
easily using the Control Panel, or programmatically. Use Admin Lite Admin Panel to create your own web application with the following benefits:

  • Speed up web development by using ready modules
  • Make changes quickly and easily using control panel
  • Convert your existing admin panel to this new panel
  • Source code available for further modifications



  • Multilanguage Supported
  • Login Authentication
  • Email Verification
  • Forget/ Reset/ Change Password
  • Google Recaptcha
  • User Roles and Permissions
  • Dynamic Side Meny
  • Specific module access to Admins
  • Dynamic Graphs
  • Admin Profile Management (View, Edit & Update)
  • Members or users management (View, Add, Edit & Update, Active & Inactive, Delete)
  • Simple Datatables
  • Server-side Processing (Datatables)
  • Pagination Example
  • Ajax Base Pagination & Search
  • Advanced Search Filter
  • Export Data in PDF Formate
  • Export Data in CSV Formate
  • Invoicing System
  • Generation Invoices in PDF Formate
  • Sending Invoices with Email Attachment
  • Custom Email Templates
  • Multiple file upload example
  • User Activity Log
  • Country, state, city example
  • Database Backup
  • Access Denied Page


  • SQL Injection
  • XSS Clean
  • CSRF Protection
  • Password Hashing


  • Built with CodeIgniter Latest Version 3.1.7
  • Structured & Clean Code
  • Easy to Integrate (Only copy & paste)
  • Easy customization
  • Well documented and commented code
  • W3C validated HTML & CSS
  • Responsive Design with Bootstrap v3.3.7
  • AdminLTE Template Integrated
  • Responsive and nice admin interface
  • CodeIgniter Ready Project
  • Complete backend and Many More…



SuperAdmin Demo:

Username: superadmin

Password: 12345

Admin Demo

Username: admin

Password: 12345


Admin Lite - PHP Admin Panel + User Management - 1
Admin Lite - PHP Admin Panel + User Management - 2
Admin Lite - PHP Admin Panel + User Management - 3
Admin Lite - PHP Admin Panel + User Management - 4
Admin Lite - PHP Admin Panel + User Management - 5
Admin Lite - PHP Admin Panel + User Management - 6


Version v4.0 (27 June 2022)

        - New - Admin Lite is now supplied with both the MVC and HMVC version.
        - New - the main modules (menu) can now re-orderd by drag/drop, no need to specify 'manually' the position.
        - New - the messages which are not translated are now display as '!msg_fieldname!' instead of '' (blank/null).
        - New - in modules/sub-modules list, the name of the parent module is displayed in the title; ex: "Sub Module Setting (Codeingiter Examples)".
        - New - possibility to log either by username or by email.
        - New - in invoices/invoice_lis, the columns can be re-ordered with up/down.
        - Updated - in user/list, buttons have been resized to btn-xs (inc. css style) to fir small screen.
        - Updated - admin/list - no longer possible to delete the 'superadmin'.
        - Fixed - selection - missing 'or' clause.
        - Fixed - crashed when clicking on Permissions in role/permission.
        - Fixed - crashed when trying to register a new user.
        - Fixed - in modules/sub-modules, the delete/edit/create new works now fine.
        - Fixed - the invoices/view referrenced admin/invoices/ instead of invoices/ (MVC version).
        - Fixed - Small Bugs

Version v3.0 (21 January 2021)

        - Updated - PHP version 7.2 and later
        - Updated - PDF Library for php version 7.2 or greater
        - Updated - Codeigniter Latest Version
        - Added - User Login functionality
        - Fixed - Export PDF File issue
        - Fixed - Invoice PDF Generation PDF issue
        - Fixed - Invoice Deletion issue
        - Fixed - Small Bugs

Version 2.0 – 20 January 2020

 - Fixed - File Upload 404 Error
 - Fixed - DB Prefix
 - Fixed - Dashboard Access Error
 - Fixed - Users Status Sort Error
 - Fixed - Small Bugs

Version 1.5 – 3 December 2019

 - Added - Multilanguage
 - Added - Dynamic Admin Side Menu
 - Added - Custom Email Templates
 - Added - Multiple file upload example
 - Added - User Activity Log
 - Added - Dynamic Graph
 - Added - Dynamic Modules
 - Added - Country, State, City example
 - Added - General Settings, Email Setting, Recaptch Setting
 - Added - Language Setting
 - Updated - Latest Verison 3.1.10
 - Updated - Admin LTE2 to Admin LTE3
 - Improve - Functionality
 - Fixed - Small Bugs

Version 1.3 – 28 January 2019

 -[new] User Roles & Permissions
 -[new] Permission Access for different users
 -[new] Ajax based active, deactive users
 -[added] Access Denied Page
 -[improve] UI Design

Version 1.2 – 27 March 2018

 -[new] User Registration
 -[new] Email Verification
 -[new] Forget Password / Reset Password
 -[new] User Dashboard
 -[new] UI Components / Examples
 -[improve] layout style

 -[fix] Invoice Email Attachment
 -[improve] layout style

Version 1.1 – 10 January 2018

    Version 1.0
    -Initial release


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